Monday, October 3, 2016

On Being 70… and All That Jazz!!

Along the byways of this life the years pass, sometimes without much ado; other times there is a splash of some sort…

Just yesterday I was worried about what was I going to do about my hair and ho to comb it for the prom… today, well, let’s just say that hair is not my most pressing issue. In fact, its relative absence from the top makes it easier when it comes to just pushing it back…

Life is worth celebrating. Life is worth living. Yes, there are moments when these concepts or if you will, feelings, are put to a harsh test but in the end, they do, like the mythical Phoenix, manage to be reborn and help you face whatever comes your way. Well, almost any “whatever”…

Sometime ago, a friend of mine who has been following the blog for a number of years (actually, since it began some 6 years ago…) said to me… “why don’t you do a compendium of a chosen number of entries and put it together into a manuscript or, perhaps even a book?”

I have to say that the idea sounded a bit farfetched to me. Yes, we have gone well over the 12,000 hit mark, much more than I ever anticipated and, interestingly, these reads have come from 12-14 different countries along the way. I realize these numbers are relatively small in the overall scheme, but I really began this as an exercise for a few friends and eventually, a compendium of memories to leave for my children. Never anticipating having readers in almost the 4 corners of the world.

Well, I sort of took this advice and began to create a compendium. It has not been easy and the available time has not cooperated. How do I choose which ones of so many “gems” to keep and which to leave out? I am still working at it, although getting very close to completion. What will happen after this completion, I have no idea.

I guess you can say I am celebrating my 70th birthday by looking back at some of these years through what I have written and, in this manner, minimize the mistakes I may be making over the next cycle in my life; worry not, these times to come will not be mistake-free… that would make them into a very boring cycle.

I will continue to write, for you, for me, for those who will come later and may want to glimpse into someone else’s life… every day is a new memory to be added and it is truly hoped there will be many more yet. Sort of like a “second compendium”.

To those who have read and followed, thanks for hanging in there, even in the times of total draught.

And by the way… Happy 70 (or thereabouts) to all my friends who are in this rarefied neighborhood.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora

·       Any comments please send to


According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...