Tuesday, December 19, 2017

From Wally’s Pond. 12/20/2017

Christmas is coming… in just a few days… Again.
Amid all the rhetoric -of the socio-political kind- there are many issues lost and perhaps, this being the special time of year it is (for those who profess Christianity as a belief) there may be some time for reflection, and for reviewing what we have done and said and how these actions may have impacted others. It is hard not to imagine that, with all the finger pointing and yelling and with everyone wanting to appropriate a slice of the ever-diminishing pie, there are some who are left to slide down the inevitable cracks, to be lost and forgotten.

Although it would be simple to pinpoint several scenarios which could easily and quietly fit into the above last description, there is a group of people or perhaps, a “subgroup” of people, who are in an eternal limbo, where any shorelines of hope or safe port are always just beyond the line of sight.

Yes, coming to this country (or any other, for that matter) without permission or adequate documentation makes this an illegal action. And, yes, remaining in the country as such is -and should be- a punishable offense. Also, unfortunately, many of those who come do not help themselves or others by pursuing a life of crime, or by immediately getting on a forever government help list.

Now I come to that “subgroup” referred to before. Many who’d readily qualify for this classification I have met, and have a relationship with. Often as a tutor in the English language, since this is what my current and regular occupation is.

They work from 4am often until 6 pm six days a week, holding a part time job the seventh day. Many others have set up their own small, service companies and work 7 days a week to try to make them go, and grow. And find the time and strength go to English class three nights a week. Some have developed multimillion $$ companies. And all the time facing odds that would defeat most of the rest of us.

Most have a complex common thread: They have more than ten years in the US, have received little or no help from the government for they have worked from day one, have no criminal record, have paid taxes regularly, own homes, and contribute to their immediate society for they tend to freely share their perceived bounty with others. They truly know what it feels like to be without. And never forget it.

Do these folks deserve a long, hard look? Do they deserve to be considered for a legal status that -without perhaps being a full citizenship- will allow them to continue their good work without the shades of desperation which always color their surroundings?

I think the premise -and promise- of this season and the holy times and blessings it reminds us of, may perhaps allow us to do so. And proceed accordingly.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
·       Any comments please send to rjalcazar@gmail.com


According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...