known as the the loud guy, janitor, gofer and overall do-it-all person)
As a language tutor, it is indeed my privilege to get to know my students fairly well, for most of the classes are on a one-on-one basis and it gives us ample face to face time. Also, some have been with me in one way or another or some time, so there is a friendly and trusting rapport which is established along the way. This, in turn leads the classes into occasional moments of quiet conversation or even guidance efforts (no, I am not a psychologist, just an old guy with a lot of years of people management experience) and with all the needed “caveats” in place, we talk.
This was the case this morning, in an individual class. I shared this in the school’s FB page and thought that it might be worth an inclusion in this hallowed (not “hollowed”) blog.
Very often we come to think, when a decision taken in best interests does not bring the desired results, that we are no good at making decisions, that we cannot hit a desired target even if it is huge and just a couple of feet away.
Don’t berate yourself; don’t put yourself into an “I’m no good at making decisions because they are all wrong” corner. We have all made decisions which have not brought the desired results. We cannot stop living at that point, we have to go on and continue to make choices and decisions.
Earlier today I was talking with one of my "senior" students and, as she was going on about some negative issues happening, she said "these are because of all my bad decisions along the way."
I just looked at her and said, "You know, there are no good or bad decisions, just decisions."
What do I mean by this? Whenever we make a decision, we make it based on the situation at the time, the information we have at that moment about that particular situation and our assessment then, as to what this decision will mean to us in a future time.
No one EVER makes a choice intending for
it to have a negative outcome. We constantly make decisions -some routine, some
more life impacting- intending to have results which will bring us to a better
place than where we stand at that moment.
The eventual outcome of any decision could be one of three: 1) a good outcome, 2) could be a “no change” outcome, or 3) could be negative outcome. If it is good; all is well. If it is indifferent, you may want to reassess the original decision and make another one at that moment. However, if the outcome has been negative, then you must go through a review of where you now are and make another decision to take a different or modified path in order to correct what has not worked.
Does this make the original decision "bad"? No. Just means that it did not bring the desired outcome. That is all. Don't label yourself as a "bad" decision maker; this will create a very negative self-image and will seriously impair your ability to trust yourself in making choices in the future.
Sometimes you may need a good friend or more experienced trusted individual to give you some guidance but, in the end, the actual decision will have to be in your hands, not someone else's.
Trust yourself; trust in the fact you are the best equipped person to make those decisions which will affect you.
Be Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
· Pray
for those who are
fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every
request is heard, and counts!!
· Any
comments please send