Tuesday, November 16, 2021



As part of a page I publish on behalf of my English as Second Language tutoring services, I incorporate a weekly quote and then give my own impression of what this quote means. Today's quote seems to be important enough and one which -even though generated some two centuries ago- is very present.

Comes from Henry David Thoreau.   He was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. His best-known work is “Walden”, and his essay “Civil Disobedience” is an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.





We have all become involved in the massive social networking movement. As a result, many people are -at most times of the day- embedded into their telephones, ignoring all other activities. All the latest trends imposed by their favorite person(s) and all the latest thinking presented by the same group. The most important issue is to be perceived as “the same”, not as someone who “does not fit in”. Think alike, look alike, speak alike, dress alike. The phone, tablet, and computer are fast trading their position from that of being useful tools to that of becoming the masters of the younger generations. And some who are not so young.

For far too many, these instruments have become their “thinking partner”. But in accepting the opinions of others as their own, instead of that of a “collaborating” partner or just another opinion, they are taking someone else’s thought process and allowing it to become their own, implicitly. Without questioning, or even contemplating the possibility of it being based on a false premise, or on a premise with which the receiver might not even agree if understood.

Today’s quote comes from a person who lived about two centuries ago. No phones or tablets or computers then. Yet, the message is even more important in today’s environment. It just tells us that we, as people, must remain on guard and must protect that which is our most innate asset: our mind and its thinking process.

Does it mean that we cannot accept or listen to someone else’s opinion? Not at all. A consensus (meeting of the minds) is an important tool to use when it is called for. But the issue at hand is that each one of us must think through each situation and come to our own conclusion, not just blindly accept someone else’s.

Even if that person is an “influencer” from social media. He or she is getting paid to make you think like they do, and follow the trends that will make money for, or bring power to, their sponsors. Don’t forget that.

Think of what you are told, think about the problems at hand, think about what you want to accomplish, and how you can get there. Map your own road, don’t let others map it for you. Those who you allow to think for you, will determine what is favorable for them and not necessarily for you.

Yes, be a modern rebel. Think. Think through issues. And make your own decisions. You may take someone else’s ideas into consideration and if these coincide with your own and your goals, then incorporate them into your life. But do not do so without truly understanding their origin, their intent, and how they will impact you and your life.

Successes and failures will be a part of your life and of all our lives. But when these are our own successes and failures, they will become an intrinsic part of who we are and the core of our maturing and growing.



According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...