Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving, 2009.

We should, at least once a week, sit down with paper and pen and put down those things for which we are grateful. Often, we are besieged with all the negatives, and forget the many positives we do have in our lives. Turn this around and look at the pluses; you will come to realize these outweigh the negatives.

Somewhere else in these rambling notes it has been mentioned that I teach ESL, on a part time basis, to a small group of Spanish speaking immigrants who are trying their best to make some headway in today’s environment. Yesterday, in class, we spoke about the Thanksgiving holiday, its history and what it means. Then, I gave them a special homework: Identify five things for which you are truly thankful, and tell us why.

Last night, I started thinking about this homework I had given out and decided that it should be required life writing; that everyone should take a piece of paper and a pen, and start writing those things for which each one is truly thankful and, I thought, I should do the same.

In this year of many changes and happenings, what am I truly thankful for?

  • For every sunrise, I am thankful;
  • For every sunset, I am thankful;
  • For the food on my plate, even though I complain it makes me fat; I am thankful;
  • For being able to walk, to run, to dance; I am thankful;
  • For the trees that turn to beautiful colors, I am thankful;
  • For the cold winter days, shrouded in mist and snow; I am thankful;
  • For the spring mornings which bring new life to the world, I am thankful;
  • For the day I was told I had cancer; the care and concern in my wife’s eyes was a beautiful message of love; for this I am thankful;
  • For the doctors and nurses who helped me and for the day I was told that the cancer was gone; I am thankful;
  • For my children who, despite my not having been fully there for them, are well and on their way in life, I am thankful;
  • For the difficult times lived; they were just a way to make me be a better person, I am thankful;
  • For my brother and his family, who received me despite having already a full house, and gave me a new shot at life in doing so, I am thankful;
  • For the family who many years ago sacrificed their love and life so my sister and I could have a better world, I am thankful;
  • For the country which did give us this new world and many opportunities, I am thankful;
  • For the many friends found in this new home city, I am thankful;
  • For the many opportunities presented, I am thankful;
  • For the many “things” I have had over the years, and which have been lost due to misjudgments and bad decisions; losing them taught me that “things” are truly not important. For this I am thankful;
  • For the understanding that the truly important issues in life are the values we hold dear, I am thankful;
  • For the many old and dear friends whom I have been able to contact anew, I am thankful;
  • For understanding that those dear friends who have sadly passed on are in the loving arms of Our Father, I am thankful;
  • For the innumerable memories –both good and not so good- which span a lifetime and 5 continents, I am thankful;
  • To my Lord Jesus; for truly always being there, helping me through my darkest moments, despite my having turned my back to Him. He never waivers and will accept me, as I am, with open arms. For understanding and accepting this, I am thankful;
  • For being able to think, for seeing this beautiful world and its wonders, for the music I can enjoy, for wanting to sing, even if not well, for laughing and, yes, for crying also; in the end, simply for being… I am truly thankful.

God Bless You And Your Family!!


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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...