Thursday, May 6, 2010

Personal Thoughts

This is a long time in the making note. I am not sure why, but here it is. I hope you understand that it is meant as a rambling thought, but it is what I strongly believe. In my travels, I have come across many self proclaimed preachers; some are very honest in what they do and they tend to be the poorest of the lot. They have a true calling and their message is The Word. Others have become obsessed with their own image and worth and have forgotten their initial calling in the process; to these, the only message is the medium itself (I know, someone already said this and he was right, even before that medium became a control issue). Too bad.

“All major religions state that if you are not a member, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these major religions and since people belong to only one at any one time, we can then logically project that all souls will go to Hell.

The above is part of an answer given by a graduate student to a question regarding certain possible characteristics of hell. The complete answer is quite witty, earning the student an A+. However, when I read it, the above paragraph jumped at me and sort of supported something in which I have believed for many years.

I will state upfront that I firmly and unequivocally choose to believe in a Heavenly Father, who watches over all. I also believe in and give myself to The Christ whom I understand to be an extension of the Father’s spirit made into flesh so that we, in our limited human perception, could see, touch, feel and understand the existence of The One who, in His ethereal form, would be beyond our comprehension. There have been too many instances in my life in which His presence was made known to me, through helping hands that had not been there before I asked for His help. In the darkest moments and out of the deepest holes, his presence saw me through.

As stated elsewhere in these ramblings, I have had the opportunity and privilege of traveling around the world because of the work I was doing. These travels have taken me to, literally, the four “corners” of the world (didn’t see an edge drop off anywhere!). There was a period of time during which I clocked well over one million miles of air travel. I have had the chance to discuss beliefs with friends who are Muslims, Jewish, Catholics, Christians of several denominations, Mormons, Hindi, Buddhists, and I don’t remember what else. Of course, each one would try to convince me of the fact that his religion was the one true one leading to salvation (see intro above…); all other religions were sadly misdirected. These discussions became somewhat of a philosophical exercise for me; always acting out the part of one who wanted to know more (which I actually did) and who was open to listen to a different point of view (which is true also). Never said, however, that I was going to change my own belief.

Note from the Editor (that’s me): It has been several weeks since this was started; in fact, before Easter. Studying for tests which I had to pass in order to rejoin the world of orderly working society; then, my wife fell and eventually a small tear became infected by the feared staph virus, her arm looking like a badly stuffed sausage; looking for a clinic to treat her infection and the subsequent antibiotic treatments etc… She is doing very well now, but for a couple of days there was real concern. Also, we moved and I have started working in my old forever field which is life insurance. Anyway, the subject topic is not easy to write about yet I truly want to, so on I go, big mouth and all.

To me, it all comes down to one thread which seems to weave in and out of each and every major religion: In the end, in all religions present and past, there is one Supreme Being, even in multi-deity religions. He/She (remember, that being is all encompassing) rules over others and is responsible for all. Different names are given: Father, Jehovah, Allah, God, Zeus, Odin… etc.

The more I listen to and talk with friends who profess different beliefs, the more convinced I am that those who follow the basic tenets of their own religions, will act the same, since all these will require the same behavior. Unfortunately, in the name of the different names (sorry for the redundancy) and banners, many of history’s worst bloodsheds have been committed. It is very ironic that invoking the Supreme Being, who stands for love and wellbeing, so much of humanity has been killed. Often in the worst possible way. No major religion escapes this guilt; all have been involved in one way or another sometime along our history.

As a Christian, I profess to believe in and to love The Christ, Jesus. I have come to accept Him as a guide, companion, friend, protector and, most of all, as the true earthbound Son of The Father. I am very far from being a theologian (almost can’t spell it…) or a devout student of the Bible. In repeating something I wrote a couple of paragraphs above, when The Father allowed part of his eternal Spirit (The Holy Trinity, remember?) to become flesh and blood on this earth, knowing beforehand what his fate would be, I believe He did so in order to allow us humans to understand, to see, to feel, to touch and to witness the fact that there is a higher being watching over us. I also believe he accepted that, within our very limited human minds, the concept of a guiding spirit (our word, I’m sure) would simply be beyond our grasp unless we had the chance to witness and historically record an “equal”, a being like us we could understand and whose message we could then choose to accept, or not. That choice was still left to us; many have accepted Christ, many others see him as a prophet only and others see his story from a different viewpoint. But pretty much all acknowledge His existence.

Unfortunately, religion as professed by us has, more often than not, become a theater of the absurd. While a vast portion of humanity is condemned to poverty and hunger, religious leaders construct huge cathedrals and mass communication networks as monuments to themselves and their “unique” brand. Each one professing to have a special calling from The Lord. Some offer holy waters, others holy prayer booklets, others whatever their marketing guys tell them will sell best. Some offer death and suffering. In the old selling days these would be the “gimmicks” which would bring the crowds. Today, the selling medium is mass communication. Imagine: if 2 million people (not an outrageous figure by today’s standards) can be reached via a single TV presentation, and a “mere” 10 percent can be coaxed into sending US$20.00 each, you have a tidy sum of $4M coming in every time the show airs… Not bad as business goes. Especially when most of what is done, spent and received is exempt of taxes. No wonder there are so many TV preachers… Even when the message is true and well meaning, it tends to get lost in the middle of all the trappings.

What we tend to forget in the middle of all the hoopla is that Our Lord’s true cathedral is in each of our souls and hearts. When I (or you) accept Him, it becomes a way of life which tells in the doing, not in the preaching. A message from a gilded pulpit will be lost to those who need it most: the poor, the hungry, the needy. Yes, it can be (and often has been) argued that the trappings will attract more funds to be then spent, but I see too many times that many of these funds are spent in the maintenance of the expensive lifestyle of the preacher and his/her family, instead that on those who truly need the help. When I am hungry, when my family is hungry and sick and in need of a roof, I do not need someone stepping off a limousine, dressed in a $2000 Armani (or some such) suit to tell me the Good Lord cares about me.

I have never questioned the fact that The Good Lord cares about me; He has shown that to me too many times. However, often I do question the integrity of those who claim to have the sole representation of His graces on this earth. If it was my company, I would probably fire most of the lot.

Be well!! Back soon.

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...