time I sit in front of the empty computer screen, I hope to be able to write a
meaningful piece… something that will make an impact on whoever is the reader,
to reach that one person who will benefit from having taken the time to stop,
smell the roses… and read these posts.
it is my belief this has not happened yet. The posts keep coming out like
practice runs (almost 300 by now) and, once in a great while, something
actually comes out that is closer to that ideal than other pieces… hope
rekindles anew and efforts are redoubled… to no avail. Friends and readers I have not personally met let me know -via email- how
much they have enjoyed the posts; total readings have crept past the mark of
5,000 and we keep on keeping on, hoping to yet be able to actually find that elusive
piece which will leave its mark on a special day.
has happened over these past few weeks. It seems that every day –make that
every hour- that passes brings on new challenges which clamor to have my
attention and my time. In some cases I am able to oblige, at other times it is
not possible to give that wanted time and attention.
favorite pastime of mine is to think. Think about what is, what was, what may
yet be… this last part may fall sometimes into the realm of dreaming… while thinking
about mistakes made (too many) and how they have affected my life up to now and
whatever may be yet to come. Those who have shared my life’s timeline (with due
respect to FB) along the way were also affected and often have paid a price,
not of their responsibility. On the other hand, these are issues which cannot
be changed or wished away; life has moved on and so had I to do.
I entertain myself in these thinking forays, the thoughts will inevitably
fall into reviewing those days when my work and circumstances took me around
the world, several times. In the beginning with family in tow then, under other circumstances, by myself. The number of people I met along my travels is
incredible. The amount of knowledge that has been picked up from these folk is
even more astounding. My somewhat "layman's conclusion" is that there must
be an ulterior motive, not yet known to me, for all this to have come to pass. And my being still here.
long and short seminars in so many venues around the world, at times seeming
like an interminable repetition… a little bit like that movie where the hero repeats
one day on and on… The late night revelries on the shores of Lake Atitlan in
Guatemala after visiting the night spots nearby, the very lonely walks along
Lake Zurich, on those cold nights when I was debating as to whether it was
worth going on (no, not with my life –that has never been in
doubt- but with what was being pursued at the time)… many cold and wet
early morning walks to a Burger King in London, so as to have my coffee and
“scone”, often the only meal that would be had until late in the day.
despite my complaints, these are good memories for the most part. Those which
may actually bring back difficult moments, are usually filtered by the mind; it
does a pretty credible job of white washing these background stories, so that we may go on
with our lives and leave behind the bad bumps along the way. Survival of the forgetful... Sort of…
what is there to write about? A life? We all have one of those. Travels? Many
of us have “been there, done that” … Illness?... Why? Knowledge gained?... Nah…
what I may cherish as knowledge, may well be boring stuff to many others…
I could write of the very slow in coming understanding about who we may
actually be and why some of us seem to live very different lives than the norm.
The experience gained, the learning about others; the accepting that we
human beings are all different and yet, somehow, extremely similar. The
spiritual vision that our earthly Gods –as we may call them differently- may
truly be one and the same seen under different guises and according to the
needs and realities of the culture that looks up to Him (Her?)…
understanding and acceptance that many of those material things I looked upon
as veritable “must have” needs in earlier times, are really not that “heavy” in
the overall scheme of things. Even almighty money… eventually it is just a tool
which may buy things, but will never buy what is truly important: character, a
caring heart and love.
The ability to listen to others who do not agree with
me, and to be able to accept and understand they have the right to express
their thoughts… as I do mine. Being in a position to help others, by perhaps
giving some counsel born of my accumulated experiences…
there is stuff to write about after all. Even more important, these are cumulative
perspectives and accumulated living experiences which make up me, as yours make
up who you are. Every single one individual an important part of the human
universe. Learn to be at peace with yourself, no matter what mistakes may have been made
along the way; treat each one as a learning experience which, by adding a grain
of sand, salt or sugar, helps in the eventual make up of the resulting person.
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
- Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
- Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
- “La
Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
Spanish language Blog… “otracaja.blogspot.com”
… Bienvenidos!!!
- Remember: We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theotherbox If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
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