Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Think, Therefore….

…I must be a member of a vanishing species…

Many years ago, during the dawn of what would turn out to be a somewhat convoluted existence, a young man was constantly exhorted by his elders to exercise the ability to think. “Think for yourself!” This young man would be admonished to do… “Don’t let others decide for you what you should decide for yourself…” they would pummel his ears with these and other similar advice, so strongly imbuing this concept that it bordered on being a requirement to live as a member of this family unit.

So it was that this thinking took this young man to question most everything that would come his way; a habit which often brought chagrin (in one or more of its expressions like… mortification, embarrassment and especially, annoyance…) to those who had so strongly advocated the very behavior. In early school, an old fashioned catholic school so commonly present in Latin countries, this questioning constantly brought this young man face to face with a marble column which, eventually, would become a friend and confidant. For it was then common practice to have an offender (guilty of any type of offense) stand outside the class facing one of many columns….  I guess the equivalent of the dunce cap in the corner of the room… It meant that this individual had been insubordinate or OMG!!... worse yet… Had questioned heretofore unquestioned authority…

As time went on and this young (now an older young man) person faced several issues which were truly life changing, this behavior took on a life of its own. It actually propelled his actions. Thinking became an ingrained habit; questioning, a close second. Rebellion (of the mental kind) ensued as a constant; authority was to be questioned at all times, unless it came accompanied with a logical explanation.

So it was that the often exercised authority without reasoning became anathema; an enemy against which this man would fight an ongoing personal battle. Often, those around him could not, or would not want to, understand why he couldn’t just ignore what he considered banalities and just, simply , go on in this or that well paying position. As you can imagine, some suffered along with him… suffering that in a more likely scenario, they should not have endured. This brought an additional layer of problems and reasons to abandon this crazy habit of… well, thinking.

As this man now approaches that status of “mature member of the society” (well, OK... he is there!!!), this continues to be somewhat of an ongoing battle in his mind… To think or not to think… and, believe me, that is not a question… thinking is an imperative. Trying to understand as many “whys” as possible and figuring out some ways in which he can, albeit in a very small measure, counteract the massive invasion of personality-less individuals that seems to permeate the society at large in which he lives.

Perhaps it is the result of our societies (not just the one we live in) becoming massive agglomerations of humanity(ies); this, in becoming so, requires a somewhat uniform code of conduct. What do we give up in return? I think much… we give up the ability to reason, to think for ourselves, to develop a sense of urgency when faced –precisely- with these very issues. We therefore lose the insight to question what we perceive as being wrong or unfair… We become a mass of day-to-day functioning entities, looking to others to tell us what and when to do; afraid of bringing attention to ourselves lest we become the target of some fool(s) who will not accept that there are individuals who actually may exercise their rights as such.

Of course, in every society, no matter how uniform and boring it may become, there is always a small group who become the Jobs, Gates, etc… of each generation and there is another group who, due to an unplanned and unfortunate mix-up of genes, are born without the ability to exercise their full potential. These two diametrically opposed -and not so far apart- segments stand out, for their own reasons.

Yet, there is that grand, amorphous mass in the middle, who willingly give up their personalities in order to conform and yet, when the end of their road approaches, the time left is spent questioning “Why…?” or “What if…?” being now too late to actually shake off an ingrained life habit of conformity which doggedly pursued each one throughout. See, is not whether one can change the world or not. Most of us are usually not in a position to do so… But the issue is one of remaining an individual within society, firm in the fact that each one has his/her own rights to think, to dream, to plan, to express his/her thoughts without fear and to actually try to live that dream and to, yes, succeed or fail at doing so.

If you are young at heart and are one of those who accept society’s demands… think!! You may or not be in agreement with these demands and, if there is a true reason for this… express it and don’t just stand there and watch life go by.  You may be the one who may be in a position to make that change…

If you have young children and are raising them, don’t let the day to day issues keep you away from teaching to them the beautiful option of thinking, of being individuals who will choose their own paths, of being able to reasonably question when their minds tell them that there are options which might be better… They will become, even through the struggles of life, better persons. They will go through difficulties brought on by this questioning generated by thinking but, this very process will make them stronger persons and will help in resolving issues which might otherwise go unresolved.

In the end, these children will thank the adults who forced them to think and to reason, to question and to negotiate, to discuss and to understand that not always the other person has the reason, just because they may speak a little louder….  To also accept that not always he/she will have the reason of it… Most importantly, they will understand what being an individual is; that this is the greatest gift we have been given… our minds.

I know… I thank my grandfather and my elders who instilled in me from a very early age the concept of thinking and I include in this, those very elders who would send me out to the columns… this was part of the process of understanding and accepting that being a thinking being would take effort and perseverance… 

Pass this gift on to your children, don’t let them lose that very essence of what makes them who they are.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
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  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...