It’s really
quiet here, sitting among the trees and flowers that surround this tranquil oasis;
the water clear and fresh lapping at my feet and… in doing so, helping to clear
my mind.
I know; that very mind which is being cleansed and refreshed is the creator of
this beautiful spot… perhaps a sign of these troubled times when we have little
access to peace and to privacy. We have to retreat to our inner spaces in order
to be able to deal with the outer spaces. In this behavior, the oriental
cultures have it over us. For many generations their training, in the cultural
as well as in the spiritual planes, have taught them to create these serene
spots inside, for those outside are full of the many negative influences found all
around us.
some reason, ever since I can remember, I have truly admired this particular
trait or characteristic; this ability to remain calm (at least on the surface) in the face of adversities. Some years
ago, as the result of my work related travel, the opportunity to visit and
spend time in some of these far eastern countries presented itself and, when
visiting and sharing off work time with several folk over there, my beliefs
were more strengthened than weakened.
many conversations over tea, coffee, sake, beer or whisky (depending on where, when and with whom) were such things as
culture, beliefs and ideas talked about and discussed. It was never an “us vs.
them” issue but, rather, an exploration into each other’s worlds. Fascinating
stuff!! I came to find that, in the end, we are all truly the same under all
our differences and veneers; human beings have one item in common which, when
allowed to do its thing, will become the catalyst to understanding and
acceptance: the mind.
If you are a reader of these blogs, you will know that I was basically raised by my grandfather; an
avowed life long mason functioning in a decidedly catholic environment. In
fact, I came to find out later in life that the one condition my
great-grandfather (whom I never met) placed on the table in order to
allow his daughter (my blessed grandmother!) to marry this “heathen”, was that all
future generations and/or genealogical iterations would have to be raised
within the catholic religion. He agreed, for he loved that young, beautiful
lady. And to the end, he was true to his word; his three daughters were so
raised and so were all the grandchildren, starting with yours truly, the
because I was living in his household, I was also the recipient of his own
ideas, his questions, his thoughts and his outlook in and on life. Due to this
exposure a subtle, yet enduring process of acceptance and questioning (yes, these can go together) became a
part of my life. While I learned to question all around me, I also learned to
respect differences and to understand that we all have the same right to be
wrong. As an old friend used to say “your
rights end where mine begin… and vice-versa” …
True!!... And also true how often this reality tends to be ignored.
we get older, we tend to entrench into our set ways; I cannot say my own mind
is free of this unnerving trait. This is a constant struggle that must be
maintained: the one triggered by a message from myself, that what I
know is but a smidgeon of what might be and that there is only one unavoidable truth, at
least for me: the older I get and the more I get to know, the more I get to realize
how little I really know.
is at these moments when my mind goes on a short sabbatical and hides in places
like the shores of Wally’s Pond… there to think, to try to absorb and
understand whatever it is that so irritated, motivated or piqued it; can’t say
the results are always pleasant, but at least the process helps in having a
slightly better understanding of my own foibles and potential strengths.
then allows me to share of myself a little more or a little better; sometimes
this sharing is misunderstood by others because it expresses itself as a
perceived distancing. A temporal distancing which is meant to allow the other
party(ies) the space to reflect and come to his/her/their own conclusions about
the issue(s) at hand and its or their impact on each one. All I can then do is hope these
conclusions will direct them into a general area which will allow then a closer
relationship. Doesn’t always work…
mind is unique and it will reveal much to each of us, if given a chance to
honestly do so. Take care and develop it as much as you can; it is the only
weapon in your personal arsenal which will stand by you to the end…
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
- Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
- Any comments please send to
- “La
Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
Spanish language Blog… “”
… Bienvenidos!!!
- Remember: We are “On Air” every Sunday night at
6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste
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