“Where the Mind is, there is the Treasure” ... Agnostic Gospel of Mary.
has been a while since the last entry was posted. I have to admit that my time
has been taken by several issues; the few moments when I may have been able to
sit and write, were few and far between. And, as you know, I may sit at the
computer, but the thinking cap may not necessarily be on…
in one of Dan Brown’s books (he of “The Da Vinci Code”), the above quote
caught my attention. It is truly amazing that it really only takes a small spark
to light a fire. This particular spark comes after much thinking and much
reflection over the last few years. In my last entry, much was made about how
coming here began a road to physical healing through long treatments, surgeries, and
much caring follow up; how this helped this older and sometimes tired body to come back
into the realm of the living.
I am fully aware and convinced that the body is but a shell meant to house a
higher being, a spiritual one which is our essence; our “being” and I am not
trying to be redundant. We cry, we laugh until we cry, we rejoice and we
descend into sadness, sometimes falling into the precipice of depression. We
try and when we fail, we try again… we choose whether to give up or not... These and all others alike, are expressions
of the mind which uses the physical body to accomplish what it wants to
achieve. Not my thoughts only; many of today’s philosophers are taking a cue
from those of early ages predecesors and look at the mind as a “divine” vessel. In all
versions of The Word we are told constantly that “we are like gods” and that
our body and mind make up “The Temple”; we are, in our spiritual sense, each a small part of
a larger being who shows Himself through us.
am a believer in the concepts behind Noetic Sciences. They tell us that we,
within our mind, have the power to control our life, environment and our
well being. I think you are also a believer … In fact, the posting that has received
the largest number of “hits” in the 3 or so years this blog has existed, was
precisely the one about Noetic Sciences. Why am I so convinced? In retrospect,
I have witnessed its working(s). I have come to realize, in bearing such
witness, that the amount of power that our mind actually harbors is much, much
greater than anything we can envision at this time.
am not an expert, sorry to say. Yes, my readings and some experiences have taken me there; they have
opened my eyes to some, perhaps a minuscule part, of what it may be available
to those with the time and the determination to learn and to expand. Yet, that
very little amount of exposure I have lived has allowed me to view
myself, my life and my recent ailments (physical as well as personal) from a
very different perspective than I might have otherwise.
has also allowed me to go back in time and to experience anew many of those
moments which were key moments in my life and which shaped me for times to
come. In fact, several postings have come about from these meanderings. And no,
they were not just “memory trips”… they were actual “re-enactments” of moments
which had been relegated to that dust filled bin in the recesses of said mind.
Moments which were examined from a very different perspective than the one I
may have had at the time they actually came to pass. It is fascinating!!
the long and the short of it is that as different thoughts and ideas come
together, I hope to continue to grow and what’s more, to begin to understand
that which was just beyond my mental grasp before. These developing concepts
and understandings have been an incredible help to me in these past years that were at times difficult but which have become a door that brought me to a new road to travel. A
road that seems to be far more stable and wider than the one on which I seemed
to be running blindly before.
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
- Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
- Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
- “La
Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
Spanish language Blog… “otracaja.blogspot.com”
… Bienvenidos!!!
- New Blog!! Once a week as the crow flies… or thereabouts… “politicoment.blogspot.com” A sometimes irreverent view of things political… Come and join!!
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