Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas… With a Heavy Heart…and Hope

It was the original intent of this particular entry to be on a light note…  But I took too long to sit down and write it…  things happened.

How can anyone explain, from any possible point of view, what happened at a Connecticut school this past week? I cannot. I think about it and I think about why or how this could happen; How could it be possible? How could a mind be so sick that retribution for an nonexistent  but perceived wrong, can be taken from these innocent children and their teachers? Beyond this… how can an otherwise intelligent person, a teacher herself, could possibly have assault weapons in a home where she knew there was an unbalanced mind?  Even further… how could she be permitted to purchase weapons which, in essence, belong in the hands of Police SWAT teams and army assault units? Having been able to buy these took her life, along with the lives of another 27 people (including her son’s life, the assailant).

Much has been said about the school teachers who did their best, in vain, to fight back. Those teachers who tried to –with some success, thankfully- shield their charges while giving up their own lives in doing so. There is human silver of the purest kind somewhere in this lining; it is just too damn difficult to visualize and focus on it at this time.

Yet, Christmas is coming to us; it is a time of renewed promise of life, of loving and of hope. This time we rejoice in these promises in the midst of questions and despair; in the midst of the kind of fear and impotence which could easily shut the mind… and open the door to frustration and to reneging on what the message is.

Each one of us has lived through difficult moments in our lives and through times which have threatened to end any kind of hope we might have. We live through these moments; we, like the Phoenix Bird of legend, manage to rise once and again and to continue forward, looking for that reward whose presence is reminded to us every year at this time. Yes, I know this promise is an everyday issue, not just a Christmas promise, but it is in this season when it becomes a living symbol, one which allows us to focus on that message and to, once again and above all that may be evil, take it, assume it, love it and live it.

I hope that whatever lessons there may be in this event will not go to waste. I hope that we don’t, as we tend to, overreact into such extremes that any possible answers get lost in interminable debates. Only in achieving those answers, might that silver lining be allowed to come through and to remain as a living symbol of what can be good in a wasteland of misdirected human emotion.  What was and should never be allowed to be again.

Let's lovingly remember those who left us and let’s spend time with those who haven't; let's share who we are with love and blessings and let's look forward to a brighter, better and beautiful year when we can fully become who we are meant to be and help those who are still trying to do so.

Most of all... let's remember that Christmas is about Christ and what that most beautiful gift of life means, not about things to get... 

Merry Christmas to my friends... enjoy it in peace and with love.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!
  • A new blog… once a week or thereabouts… “”… a view on current politics from both sides of the fence… serious and irreverent but transparent (can I use this word in politics???)

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...