Whenever my friend Cheíto calls me unexpectedly, I know something
is really bothering him… in his own basic way of thinking he actually has some
very keen insights.
“Juat’sup Man?” “We ain’t talk in a lon’ tain”
-“Cheíto, Bro… what’s goin‘on?”
worryd man” “too many thins happenin’ and none too good”
I’ve had my own worries during these past days. All
I hear from the direction of our capital and neighboring alleys has not been
good. Yes, we all know there isn’t a single government which has been free of
sin, but these specific sins are worrisome. They indicate a mind set which
wants to control and negate, at all costs, any kind of dissent to said control.
goin’on man?” “souns like our presiden’
has ben takin’ gvmint lessons from Cuba”…
-“Whoa Cheíto…. What do you mean?”
lyin’, he’s havin people look’t at, he’s usin’ the tax people to push other
people aroun’…”
I have to say that Cheíto, once again, was getting
to the core of the issue… not much running around for him. In essence, his
concerns are pretty much the same concerns I have had for a while. All reports
from people inside the government circles, especially those who profess to have
access to the resident, indicate he is a man who does not like to be
contradicted, or who looks for advice from folk who may not represent the
mainstream of American thinking.
Every executive is free to look for advice from any
quarter; it is just that this particular office represents ALL people, not just
those who come from specific quarters.
-“Jus’ juat
happen’ in binguzi?” “ju noe… that plas over the other side of the worl’ where
some peple were kilt?”… “Why did nobody help?”
-“Well… looks like there were some mixups in the
communication and some troops that were ready were not allowed to go help them
over at the embassy”
boss o’that?”
-“Well… looks like Hillary took the blame for a
the President is the bossman, righ’?”
After a minute of silence… he asked…
-“What ‘bout
the tax thin’?”... “ju noe… where people were pushed ‘round and lookid at?”
-“Well… looks like the acting director has been
fired… although he was supposed to leave soon anyway…”
pu’im there?”
-“The President”
… “What’bout the udder thin with those guys in the papers?”…”where they were
getting’ private informashun dey were not suppos’ to get?”
-“Somebody else in the State Department is taking
the blame for this… they are the people in charge of this”
dey repor’ to?”…
-“The President”
he continued… “the President says he don’ noe nuthin’ … that these peeple di’
all this on der’own, right?”
-“Well… looks like he’s implying some people acted
on their own despite their having to report to him, that he didn’t know these
things were being done”
he sees nuthin’… he noes nuthin’… he does nuthin’… then, my fren’… What the hell is he doin’ there?”
As I said… in his simple way… Cheíto is not so
simple… and neither should be the rest of us.
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness
which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard,
and counts!!
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- Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
- “La
Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
Spanish language Blog… “otracaja.blogspot.com”
… Bienvenidos!!!
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