Sunday, August 11, 2013

Flowing Words

There is something to be said about words and what they convey… happiness … fear … sadness … joy… 

English is a language which encourages communication at a straightforward level; some might say basic level. While I do think it is somewhat simpler than Spanish, I disagree with its being lacking in nuances… just read some of the Bard’s work and it is plainly seen that it can have indeed many shades.

Spanish… well… it seems to have been created by confused and somewhat scrambled minds, longing to shout out to the world this is a language for lovers and dreamers; a language best used to describe the stars and the universe which holds them in its bosom… Why the preceding? Some of these passages come from the Spanish blog… Interestingly, when I sit down to translate, there is a lot of poetic license to be had… luckily… I get along well with the original writer. He won’t charge me royalties.

Nature... a gift...
Mentalists who claim to know, tell us that nothing is impossible in this life …nothing we really want to do is outside our reach. Just imagine… if you want to reach the moon and give it a try… and you only make it halfway… think of all you have seen and learned along that truncated trip… all that you didn't know before. Just knowing you can try, allows you to dream, to look to a possibly better and different future and to a road full of wonders, new thoughts and views…

An old saying asks us to stop along the way and take the time to smell the flowers that Mother Nature gives us for free… In our “Oh So Busy” day-to-day world, we rarely take a moment to do it. When we do take it, we are given names like “dreamers” and “fools” who waste precious time. We worry so much about what others may think or say that our lives become unwittingly defensive and somewhat lost.

Unfortunately, it takes many years of survival and learning to be able to get to the point when we can honestly say we do not worry about what others may think … When we have accumulated enough emotional and maturity mileage to be able to say (and mean) “If you don’t like what I do… how I look or how I think … then… LOOK THE OTHER WAY!!! What a shame it takes for most people so much needless wear and tear and so much of life’s time to get to this important understanding…

Take the time...
Many friends and acquaintances of mine have issues and problems to spare, and precious little time in which to deal with them. I can’t truly say, no matter how much I would like to, that I am free of that weight; yet, those problems I carry along have materialized due to decisions made and I accept this. Along the way I have tried to walk a road that, because it has been longer and more difficult, has taken me to many places and people I would have never known otherwise. Is this a fair exchange? I will always think so, although I am sure this is not the right road for all to follow.  

I am anxious to meet the worlds I have yet to see while remembering with happiness the ones I have already lived; each has had its joyful moments and its painful moments; each one is the master of its own story line where we become a mere player within a continuing saga. Sometimes we are in a Fairy Tale… sometimes in a bit of history… sometimes in an incredulously sinister passage… Each one has its reason to be and each one requires us to pay a price of admission; if we are willing to pay it and to allow ourselves to be led, we can perhaps find ourselves in a comedy, maybe a horror story or who knows?... a beautiful love tale.

To enjoy it... 

Some years (OK… OK… many!) ago, during the end of my first infancy in Cuba, I had a radio show. There was this introductory verse I wrote to start the show and which I then re-wrote and adapted in English, to do the same for the shows I later hosted in CT and NYC… a very promising but sadly truncated “radio personality” career…

“Take my hands … Come with me…
Dare to dream… Dare to fly…
Don’t be afraid, I will not let you fall,
Let’s fly together in joy and peace
And explore what may be…

I promise you will not regret it…
Take my hands … Come with me…
Dare to dream… Dare to fly”

Fifty some years later, this is still my life’s motto… I hope it will never change.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:

  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...