Every year,
when we come to its end, the review is almost a requirement.
So this year is no different. What happened in
2013; what should’ve perhaps happened… what shouldn't have… Sort of ... “what
happens in 2013… stays in 2013…” Not.
Let’s start by saying that all that did or did not
happen… wasn’t by “happenstance”… It was caused by each and every one of us, by
our action or inaction at a specific point in time. Whether individually or
In this, our country, it is the general buzz that
there are 3 primary topics of discussion/division:
- The Great Political Divide… Those who support the current President and his
policies and those who do not. This particular issue is an ever growing
battleground; some trying to expand what is a political efficiency
discussion into a race based argument; not justified under any
- Health and economics…
Perhaps good bedfellows, perhaps not. Yet, these two seem to go together.
The economy is suffering from a cosmetic revival while the national debt
keeps growing by leaps and bounds… The health issues and the attending
Obamacare program have made promises that yours truly, after 37 years in
the insurance industry, finds very difficult to bring to reality without a
major overhaul of the insurance platforms in this country. This does not
happen by mandate or overnight. It will take tons of money, time and
political determination, not to mention balls. Do we need this overhaul? perhaps
we do, but I don’t think this is the manner in which it will be brought
about satisfactorily.
- A widening rift between some of the religious beliefs which are more commonly practiced in our society. In a country where religious freedom, acceptance and tolerance was (yes, was…) the byword, we now find that there is an almost deliberate attempt to undermine this concept. Judeo Christian beliefs are under attack when professed openly, while practicing folks and leaders of other religious beliefs feel free and empowered to openly attack anyone who does not agree with them. Without anyone having the courage to denounce these uncalled for behaviors. This is not heading in a good direction.
Closer to home, the usual ailments which come along
when the minutes, days and years and with them life, insist in continuing their
ever onward march without stopping for a spell, a moment of rest or even
contemplation. Most folks continue to fight on but some have left us along the way,
perhaps going to a well deserved rest… In the end, nothing to complaint about
and nothing that cannot be remedied… except, of course, for those who moved on…
Elsewhere in the world, there are the usual
fledgling countries, the countries where there is a perennial internal war, the
countries that try to fix the world around them but can’t fix their own issues
and those countries which, try as they may to change the course of
life-as-usual, continue to take stabs at each other, either openly or
surreptitiously… or both.
In other words… life goes on as usual…
Happy New Year!! Happy 2014 and many more after
this one!!!
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness
which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard,
and counts!!
- Follow us on Twitter …
- Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
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