Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Cost of Life.

We know all about the “Cost of Living” but … what about the “Cost of Life”?

The past is a nice place to visit but not one in which to dwell for long periods of time. That is, unless you suffer from that terrible malady called Alzheimer’s. Then it becomes a state of life. However, as the years do keep on piling on, sometimes it does give us a little comfort in the form of wishful thinking.

The Cost of Life cannot be readily measured in actual cash. We know there are many folk who will swear that “money is important” (yes, it is… to a point) and some even will go as far as saying it is “everything” (no, it definitely is not!) and then, there is another group of folk (including me, I guess…) who will say that the “pursuit of happiness” and the “pursuit of money” are not one and the same.

A simpler life was had by those of us who grew up several (not to say a whole lot of) years ago. In fact, all the goodies which now plague our existence, were created by many who shared this somewhat blissful childhood.

“Going to Play” in those days actually meant getting your duff off the couch and going outside, to look for your friends, to play a game of whatever, to ride a bike… It certainly did not mean sitting in a darkened living room or bedroom, staring at the “One Eyed Monster” (remember that one??…  except that now the name can probably refer to the comp screen) and activating the world through the thumbs and a console. There were times one would actually go to the library and … GASP!!!! … read a book.  
When a friend was needed we had to go to his or her house and actually have a “face to face” conversation… OMG!! With actual words “u knw, nt txt stf”… (for the uninitiated… “you know, not text stuff”).

There was a primary breadwinner in the family. Not to demean anyone in today’s world but Motherhood (yes, with an “M”) was an important endeavor and one which very often was the glue that kept families together and functioning. The mother was the primary care giver, love giver, mother confessor, friend, guide and overall sergeant major. We now, after three generations, seem to be going back to the concept that a present body care giver is necessary; except today it can be either the mother or the father. No matter, the role itself is beginning to, once again, take its rightful place.

The generation that was born from the late 40’s into the mid 60’s, known as the “Baby Boomers”, is responsible for many of the gadgets and advances which now make life simpler… I think, though not truly sure about this last point.

You want to do simple math?  Your phone has a calculator… why bother with the tables?? … You want to communicate something?  By golly text away!! Why talk?? … Is somebody bothering you??... Wow!! just put his/her compromising picture on FB for the world to see… You showed’m!! Do you need a paper to turn in at school?? Well… just Google it and copy! ... Why spend the time and effort to do some research and learn something valuable in the process??  Why go through the trouble of reading something when your computer, tablet or phone can read it to you while you watch TV or listen to music… or play at becoming a Car Thief…

To many, I am sure the above is an advance into the world of “do nothing” and where immediate gratification is never fast enough… To me, well… I think we are on our way to reducing our bodies and minds into total dependence on gadgets. A recent study in England showed that the actual physical posture of man/woman is changing and stooping due to walking around looking at the little screen. Hmmm…

The “Cost of Life”? ... Families in name only where members text each other instead of talking, where both adults are away working so all these "must have" gadgets can be paid for; where children grow up sitting in front of the TV or computer because this is easier to handle than actual parenting; where the pomp is more important than the circumstance; where there is little or no guidance and it becomes the easier rule to condone rather than to correct.

Years ago, children resulting from these families were labeled “misfits”… seems today they might be the norm and children of families where there is love, guidance, boundaries and supervision, may be the misfits in our modern society.

The “Cost of Life”? … Priceless!!!  

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:

  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...