Friday, June 28, 2019

Exercising and Years.

There isn’t much going around right now other than politics and, although we have dabbed into that a couple of times in the past, that isn’t really what this blog is about.

Years ago, in another time and life, I’d get up in the morning ready to take on the world. Play tennis, do some gym work and tackle the day with a full-frontal attack.

Today, forget tennis… I still have a racket and a bag of tennis balls which are becoming rusty and somewhat deflated. The bag lies there in the dark closet in my office at home, until those times when one of our younger set members comes bearing his/her four-footed children. At that point, that bag of balls becomes handy and it gives up one or two of its well-guarded treasures so they can become the object of a chase and play game.

If I ever manage to create a 3 on 3 tennis game (me, being one of the third players, stationed semi-motionless at mid center court…) I may be able to play again. Otherwise… no comments, please.

Sometime during this past January, I went through my clothes and 75% of them simply did not fit. I did not feel well and looked worse for the wear. My waistline must have increased dramatically, for I remember one pair of jeans that showed at least a 2+ inch expanse between where it might close and where its buttons actually were.

But, hey… it’s January, very close to new year and still in time to make good on one of those (in)famous new year resolutions, right?  Except on this occasion, that pant waistline reality-check tells me that I better make it work.

What to do?
I like to eat. Not in excess quantities, but I am omnivorous and some of the fare, although home cooked, might tend to be not on the lean side of the scale. As mentioned before, I used to exercise regularly, so I was able to eat well. One routine stopped; the other did not.

So, I took stock of the situation…
There’s this incipient arthritis on the left shoulder… so my possible arm exercises are limited to waving hello and goodbye.

A long-standing ulcer (now finally healed) on the inside of my ankle had not allowed me to walk much, because the socks would rub on the sore skin and make it worse.

My hips were bothering me, and the left knee was letting me know those beautifully fluid motions that allowed me to, ages ago, gracefully slide on the tennis clay courts, were no longer fluid nor beautiful. In fact, sometimes it felt downright creaky.

Especially when carrying around an extra 30 pounds or so. But, hey… other than those previous details, all else was great and I was set to go. Right. Yeah.

I looked at the mirror and said to myself: -“Self… you are close to letting things get out of hand … on the verge of becoming old, bald and fat (at least, at 6’2’’ I can skip the “short” part)
- “What are you going to do about it?” Asked I to “self” …
- “How about looking through Amazon to see if I can find a newer model?” came back the immediate answer … You can imagine my state of mind …

I am not going to bother you with the intervening moans, groans, and ouches. Changed my eating habits, increased the green stuff and decreased the red stuff (including wine, a painful decision), stopped eating anything between meals, making the night meal a very light repast.

Started walking. In the beginning, my walking goal was 3 x week at 2,000 paces. Kind of Sunday walk-about paces. Pitiful. But true. Now I am at 6000 paces x 5 times per week. Brisk paces, just short of “double-time” (for you, Army buffs).

I feel a lot better; my hips don’t bother me, my knee stopped creaking and I have actually lost some 28 pounds. The tennis part is still in the future... and here is where I say … - “If I can do it and you need to, you can do it too …” It’s true.

And those bloody jeans are on me right now, as I write this.

And answering your silly question (I can hear you!) … Yes, they are properly buttoned.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!   
·       Any comments please send to

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...