Monday, November 11, 2019

Back at Wally’s Pond.... again ...

A visit to this mind sanctuary is long overdue to help with a bit of reflection, and perhaps also to help a sometimes-over-busy mind cope with the demands of day to day business.

It has been one of those sequences of days when unresolved and unexpected issues come and queue up at the door, just like patrons at a post office line on a busy holiday, waiting to place the responsibility of handling and delivery of their late gift packets on someone else’s hands.

Since this is my forum (it is … Isn’t it?) I think it is a good place to vent a little bit. “They” (after 73 years, I still don’t know who “they” are) say that putting one’s thoughts out there will make it easier to cope, as well as to visualize what or where a solution might be. But the truth is that I am not sure the “grievances” are about others and their issues or about my own shortcomings, if I am going to be honest.

I am told constantly that as one gets older --yes, in this case, me-- all traits and qualities are accentuated. The good ones (you may have to look deep for these) as well as the not-so-good ones (these tend to be a little closer to the surface, apparently). If you have been a kind person, you become kinder. However, if you have been a short-tempered person, you become truly grumpy, with a capital “G”. You become your own worst nightmare.

I have said it before, although not sure if within the entries in this forum, that as age advances, my patience accepts more but my tolerance diminishes. Is this sentence self-contradictory? Some people to whom I express these thoughts tell me that it is not possible; that if you are more patient, then you are also more tolerant. And, the corollary, that if I am less tolerant, then I can’t be more patient.

While I do believe these two are totally related, their relationship --in my belief system-- is more symbiotic than individual or separate.

As my time on this earth gets longer --or shorter, depending on differing points of view-- and after having lived through many experiences (some of which I’d rather not have experienced) it is true that my patience has become  more accepting of different people and ideas, as long as they are themselves accepting, and where the differing ideas are presented with a degree of coherence. Some who know me -or even live with me- would probably say, contrary to my own understanding, “Not True”.

Let’s look over a couple of situations. (1) Young and starting to get on with life and work, or (2) older and engaging in a new environment or set of responsibilities. Mistakes are made, ideas are lost, and re-starts become the norm for a while, on both scenarios. In situations like this, patience helps me understand that I must wait out the results; that mistakes are valid, that this is a time investment in the betterment of someone and something. Ok. Well and good.

Tolerance will not, in looking at these same scenarios and while accepting the fact that mistakes will be made, easily or calmly accept repetitive or foolish mistakes. Nor will it accept that enough time and dedication is not given to the specific process of learning, as required. I can say that tolerance is what sets the limit of how far patience will go in managing any given circumstances.

Tolerance will also set patience limits towards general behavior of people (including oneself) especially when it may deal with ill treatment or abuses against those who cannot defend themselves (human, animal or vegetal). Toward this, the limits are truly, down to near zero.

Now, notice the tolerance limits being referred to are very specifically directed at defined circumstances, not at life in general. The phrase “defined circumstances”, identifies circumstances which are identified by each of our separate growing and living experiences. In my case, I believe that intentionally wasting time, effort and knowingly inflicting abuses which can’t be answered by those being abused, definitely test my tolerance. However, a child yelling, running and just being a child, won’t.

So, while these are two different parts of our internal trait system, I do believe they, while being closely related, are differently managed and work on a symbiotic level, where Patience is the real-world expression of the limits that tolerance sets within the mind.

I am sure all this has been nicely explained elsewhere, but it has been on my mind lately. Especially with assorted (abusive, I am sure…) insinuations that I, in getting older, am becoming an impatient grouch of sorts. Not True!!!

Somewhat intolerant? Probably … but very patient.


Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!   
·       Any comments please send to

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...