I’m not really sure where the saying that heads this post originated, but probably somewhere within the halls of a casino, the table manager turning the roulette and commending everyone’s luck to the hands of the Good Lady. Today it has evolved into everyday use, mostly to express our complete lack of knowledge about what life has in store for us at any given time.
In a recent posting, the concept of Noetic Sciences was incorporated into the flow. I am very far from being an expert on this topic since, as such, it just came into my attention recently. However, it totally supports feelings and thoughts I have had and come to accept over the years, even when not truly understanding them; without really knowing what they were, or from whence they came. Mind over matter; mind moving the circumstances that develop your life and shaping events that come to pass. There is not much I can elucidate on this, I am but beginning to read some of these books and studies. That is, I do it as time allows me to do so. What I have come to understand, however, is that reactions to individual and collective thoughts have been effectively measured in major events.
In retrospect I can point to several instances in my life, even at a relatively early age, when conscious thoughts seemed to modify what normal course of events should have been. These did not always happen directly to me but to people I knew; some of whom were members of my family. However a few did involve me and I remember when, after very badly controlled, concentrated efforts, circumstances seemed to be “rearranging” themselves over the course of a few days or weeks in order to help me get to where I needed to go. People would appear to guide me or be of help, and events would occur which had no reason to be. In reading about Noetic Sciences, I find out this is not as uncommon a happening as might be thought. Mental concentration, including the “vibes” this sends out into the immediate universe, is thought to actually influence the environment around the sender. Whether for the positive or the negative; it all depends on the kind of projection that is being sent out. A person who always expects to receive good things, seems to always receive them. On the other hand, a person who always complains about “Why me?” or is always complaining about his/her “constant” bad luck, seems to live like Chuck’s friend of the Peanuts stories: always covered in a cloud of dust.
Some thoughts about Noetic Sciences. Most who read this will no doubt, doubt. At best, dismiss it as a mental meandering without much “meat”. Don’t dismiss it; read into it before you do. Last year when I was treated for cancer and later had hip surgery, I assumed a totally positive attitude. It just never occurred to me that CA was going to in any possible way, win out. The treatments never bothered me, and the results were outstanding. In talking with the doctor he told me that, in his experience, those who truly expected to be “cured” would show a remarkable improvement. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, the treatment would go a lot smoother and with better results than in the case of those patients who came and did their best to be depressed, always expecting the worst. Dr. T. told me, in conversation, that indeed the mind is a little known instrument and that if we as a human race lived long enough, there was the possibility that we could learn to practice self-cure for most minor ailments, without the intervention of an MD. In fact, this is being already researched.
Where else can we go today? The weather finally has turned a little bit and the suffocating heat we have had for two weeks, seems to be subsiding. When I was Florida, it was 95+; when we arrived back here, it was 96+. Not the kind of weather you might expect for the foothills of North Carolina. It truly felt stagnant.
In “futbol” World Cup we are now down to 8 teams and, for the first time ever, fully half of that contingent is from South America. Paraguay eked out a penalty victory against Japan in order to become the 4th team from South America to make it: Brasil (nothing new here!!), Argentina(also a familiar face at this level), Uruguay, first time at this advanced level in many years and Paraguay, first time ever. Good luck to them all although, in the end, there will only be one team holding The Trophy.
Be Well, back soon!!
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