I have not been well these past couple of days. A bout of laryngitis which is now just going away, and just plain tired. Nonetheless, life does go on and we, along for the ride, go on with it. Nothing earth shattering, just wanted not to lose the newly reacquired habit of seating at the computer and writing a little bit...
It is that time in the life of a “Futbol” (As Soccer is known in the rest of the world) fanatic to go nuts. From 07:30 hours to well past 16:00 hours, every day –at least during the first round robin- there is soccer on the tube, the radio, the papers, on the street corners... People who wouldn’t know a penalty from a free throw become overnight mavens, quick to discuss their internet found knowledge with those who have followed the sport for many years… just one more way to make instant fools of ourselves; as if we didn’t have enough means to brilliantly do so already. This “little” tournament that happens every four years is known as the FIFA World Cup and it is the culmination of a long and often tortuous elimination road. Eventually, 32 countries get their teams in, and the fun begins.
In this 2010 edition, so far, the French are behaving like French in a quick first round ouster, going home in disgrace… they are traveling now “coach class” under security, their national committee not wanting to waste any more money on this bad imitation of a team... Mon Dieu!!... no truffles and champagne??; the Italians, several of whom are pedaling on wheels older than should be fought valiantly, but also fell in the first round. The vaunted Germans and British barely made it to the second round and the Dutch, perennial force, went through although not easily. The Spanish “Red Fury” must win their second and third game if they are to pass; yet, they came into the tournament as one of the odds-on favorites. US and Latin American squads have done well in the first round including a couple of sensational last second goals by the US; most of them are making it to the second round, where they will face their brethren and eliminate each other.
Most of the participating world stops to watch, especially when the national team is playing. This holds true for first, second and third world countries (or fourth, tenth, etc…) What is it about this sport that, in some countries, even the president gets into the act and allows a no-work day (or two) when the national team is playing. This, for a fledgling economy can be a costly measure. Yet, it is political coin and seen from a pragmatic viewpoint, no one will be working anyway. I remember living in Argentina; during the WC of 1986 whenever Argentina played, I could have probably set up a field tent in the middle of a main avenue which, when carrying normal traffic, would be a life experience just to cross. Anyway, Long Live Futbol!!
I’m just getting over a bad case of laryngitis. Every 2 years or so, I go through this ritual and I’m told it is a remnant from my smoking days, when I used to put away as many as three packs per day. Even though it has been just about 30 years since I smoked my last “Lucky” (what a name for a killer stick!!), the bronchial system is still more susceptible to infections than it may have been without that prior history. Anyway, for someone whose voice is a primary work instrument, this has laid me off for the duration of the week. The problem is that as soon as it feels that the voice is coming back, the normal tendency is to start using it again. When this is done, without full healing having taken place, it brings back the vocal chord irritation and, again, loss of voice. So, a lot of will power has to be exercised to not fall into the trap of overusing the voice; the second time the ability to make sounds is lost, it takes longer to recoup.
So… shut up and write!!!
Somewhere in the background, there is a TV blaring with The Game… I’m not sure who is playing although I assume it to be Holland, since the term “orange machine” is being used fairly often. Do they have oranges in the Netherlands? I thought not… The team’s nickname should the “Tulip Machine”; after all, the national image is more closely linked to these last than to oranges… On the other hand, it would not sound very intimidating to be told that your next opponent is the dreaded “Tulip Machine…”
On to other issues… except there aren’t may others that come to mind. Well…yeah, there are many issues, but those are really not for airing at this time. Some of them will eventually make it onto this blog, or elsewhere… I think…
Colombian voters elected to continue on with the policies of current Pres. Uribe. To many, this is a call to continued internal strife. To others, in what is an absolute majority of the voters voting (70%), this is the line of action that is preferred. In other words: to the guerrillas, no easy way out. After 40+ years and several generations being reared in the middle of this violent environment, it will be a very difficult task to rectify the internal culture in the country. And it will not be accomplished in one or two or even 5 presidencies, it will be a generational healing process when it eventually comes to pass.
We face the same issue in Cuba, when this regime eventually comes to pass, as all things human will. There will be a lot of generational healing and retraining to do, and those better trained to do it will be the people who were able to survive within the beast, not those who have been yelling and posturing on this other side of the water.
Before I get off on a political tangent…
Bye for now…Be Well…
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