Monday, December 5, 2011

The Best Laid Plans…

… often go awry…  something like this goes the saying we all know and then go out and confirm every day.

For the most part, the end result of trials and tribulations lived over the years, has brought home the fact that we go on a day to day basis, trying to accomplish whatever goals there may have been laid out without realizing that the actual results may not really and truly depend on one’s own efforts. There are a lot of surrounding and affecting circumstances, and there are also many conjoined efforts which take the involvement of several people for a successful end… people you may have never actually met.

14 years ago, a seemingly never ending saga was begun. A Holy Grail of sorts was shown us, while at the same time being told that it could be easily (within reasonable parameters) attained. Can, or should I, blame someone else for the following years of frustrations, financial losses, fiascoes, threats (yeah, some of those too) and constant personal pressure? Not really. A decision was made to pursue this project and no one, that I can remember, forced me into it.

Many interesting folk have been met and many interesting places have been visited as the result of this pursuit. An ongoing study of human nature as it were … theirs … and mine.  At the very beginning of this book worthy endeavor, while there were still some funds available and while I was making of Zurich, Switzerland a “Home Base” of sorts, I managed to pursue an innumerable amount of possibilities, never quite being able to produce a true probability. This period was actually the initial part of what would become an extremely steep and costly "learning curve". 

The folk met were indeed interesting; some claiming to be members of one royal Arab family or another (birth control was, apparently, not a known issue over there at the time!!) and to have direct access to the “inner ear” of the ruler (take your pick … must be crowded in those ears). Some of these spent their time complaining about every one else trying to put their hands into their “buckets” which, at some point and after much figuring out, I deducted to mean “pockets”, said with an Arabic accent…

The whole scenario was worthy of the best “007” movie: after hours meetings in out of the way hostels; every one of those met (excluding yours truly, for lack of money and excess dignity) had at least 2 others in tow, their so-called “assistants”, guys who were close to bursting out of their clothes while emanating suspicious rattling sounds from within their cranial cavity … seems these were somehow not filled to capacity…. Folks who would come in from Germany in a mini caravan, worthy of most any head of estate, and who made it a point of telling everyone else at the meeting just how busy they were… then there were the French, coming in from Paris and letting all know just what special favor they were doing by just being there… not to mention the accompanying dose of depressive statements about most things, from the weather on down. There was a tough looking Russian group that even the Arabs shunned … And then, there were the Italians … Mamma Mia!!!

Every one had, according to them, a local (Swiss) banker who was just waiting to hear the key word from them in order to run over to the bank, no matter what the time or day, and open it wide so that their business could be taken care of. Right!!  More foolish I who at the beginning and with a total lack of knowledge about the local customs and so on, actually believed this could be possible. With time, I came to know that Swiss bankers will steal from their own progenitors if this will make them a couple of extra francs.

If it wasn’t because of all that was lost on this road to nowhere, it would be … well, actually, it would even be a funny story. The cast of characters alone was worth the price of a ticket. Besides the contingent(s) mentioned before, there was the deviant Argentinean and his older sidekick, who were there just to get away from a very drab, taxi driving existence back home. Of course, being in the pursuit of this Holy Grail, made it all justifiable. A quart of whisky was put away every single evening by the old man while sitting in their shared hotel room in his undershorts and asking his younger partner for a daily “Report” … a report which would have been easier to formulate (and much truer) if it were about his advances with a certain Dominican table dancer at their hotel’s bar.

This is a very simplified account of my road through Zurich, Circa 1999-2000; it lasted some 12-14 months out of those two years. A road that saw detours into France (a place which, along with London, would subsequently have its own timeline and road), Germany, Austria, Belgium, Andorra and Liechtenstein … each of these detours a story in its own right.  There have been many other folk met and each had his/her own story to add to this incredible, twisting time thread. Some you will get to know as well, as these postings go on and become sort of an informal journal.

There were many lonely and trying moments during this passage; moments of questioning that which was being done, its price in money and a very high personal cost factor … Whether or not I was being a fool (some have said this is an affirmation, not a question … I still think not). Much was learned, and continues to be learned about the inner workings of the international financial world; workings which are so incredible that even most of those who work within these “hallowed” institutions are not really even remotely aware of this aspect of their employer’s involvements… 

A dream was born along the way and it is a dream I still intend to see come through to reality; it was born from the incredible amount of human suffering I witnessed along these many roads traversed on this “quest”, as well as those previously travelled while working for the insurance association. As this unfolds, you will also be a part of it…

… To Be Continued… at a future date and time…

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar. 

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...