hearing from Cheíto becomes a reality check… a needed one.
had not seen so many flashing lights since a bad electrical storm over the
Okeechobee Swamps some years ago. This morning, in a 3 block stretch, there
were enough police cars to ferry half a city, all with their “party tops” full
a’blazin… Then, as I approached the perimeter road, there came a blazing
procession of motocops, followed by an array of black SUVs and trailing vans...
all with their lights flashing to impress, like there was no tomorrow.
guess with the party convention in town, this was to be expected. Especially
when this was not the “other guys” convention, but the ruling party’s
convention… nothing but big wigs and big guns (almost literally) in town.
I came back home, there were some things to be done but, as soon as I got into
it, the phone rang. Almost didn’t answer, but I did…
“Hey compadre… JUAT'S GON ON’?”
was none other than Cheíto, coming back to life after a long absence…
“Cheíto” I answered… “Man where have you been?”
workin’, ju knoe… hey… I heer ju hav a convenshun out dere…”
that we do” I answered him and, after a few seconds of silent reflection, he
came back with …
I dun wanna soun dum’ but… essackly juat’s a convenshun?
tried to explain what in a political time and near elections, a convention is…
about party showcasing… about how thousands of people travel to participate and
to support their respective chosen ones. How these feasts impress and impact the decisions of many people… and how the organizers hope to be able to convince others to
support them, if they liked the show well enough.
we talked and I tried to explain as well as I could the ups and downs of the
“convention business”, he was silent for a while and then said to me…
knoe Rafa… I dun unnersten hou thins’ work in dis kontry…” he reflected some
more and continued:
ar reely bad now… I meik less mony now… becuz ther is less to do… ju knoe my
princesa gos to church skool becuz the odder one is to far…” “to meny frens’ ar
losing ther houses an’ dun’ have no yobs an’ no mony…”
tried to say something but he continued on…
nou tel me that a bunch of peeple cum and hav big partee wid’ restaurantes,
esspensiv hotels, wid poliss people from odder touns, airplains, food, lotta
nois and music… big places…”
bit of silence…
much mony dis cost?”
don’t know” I said to him… which happens to be true…
meny peeple ken use dat mony to eet? Hou meny niu teechers ken be paid? Hou many ol’ peeple ken be help’?”
I was going to try an answer the unanswerable, he went on…
knoe… if’n dey keep they promises… it mebbe OK” … “But dey nebber do… we en’up
payin for all dis an allus en’up makin’ less mony”
my brudder… I luv dis kuntry… da bes’ in da worl”… “but I dun unnerstan’ why
dis peeple meik thin’s so har for us instead of makin’ thins better”
this, and a very quiet “bye” he hung up the phone, leaving me to wonder about
the many thousands of “Cheítos”, from many different parts of the world who, in
coming here, have put their faith and future in the hands of leaders who more
often than not, forget about these working people. About how much they are
hurting and how much they are the backbone of this country.
can I explain to someone that faith must be put in the system and not the
person who happens to be at the helm at any given time? A system that has
survived less than stellar performances in the past. Then again, I am left to
wonder just how many times that system can continue to rebound from the many
abuses it receives.
can only hope and work as hard as possible to assure these rebounds do happen.
Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
- Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
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Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
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… Bienvenidos!!!
- Remember: We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
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