Writing is definitely one demanding hobby. When this blog was started, I was convalescing from a number of physical issues, now long past. I had a lot of time and the number of entries then posted reflects this. As the months passed and part time work started, the entries were limited in size and number, to the point that there were a few months along the way that saw only about 2 posts per month.
Then, the purpose was firmly established to post no less than two per week and, during the last 2-3 weeks, these numbers have increased again to about 3-4 per week. It is not about being prolific; many people who can sit at a computer today, will probably be able to write a worthwhile blog. However, when a commitment is made (to oneself) to post no less than three entries per week, then this becomes work in earnest. No matter; it is enjoyable to the utmost… Today, it is an entry of the “cleaning house” sort. What is the meaning of this? Well, it means I will try to answer some comments received, and include (indulge in?) some observations as we go along.
The last few entries have come back at me in the form of comments. Especially, the “Black and White, Part II” about the evil spirit invading the person who was acting as a medium in a séance. Remember: I can only report what I lived, saw and heard at that time. I can also pretty much vouch for the fact that there was no trickery of hands (or eyes) involved. Everything was above board, as much as could be made in 1953 or thereabouts, with really no gimmickry available at the time. We did see this family again, on and off; but it took me a while to agree to witness another session; I guess you can understand why. Eventually I did and many years later, while staying in Spain , I was at the center of an unexpected “vision”… more on this some other time.
The entry about my friend Marc has also generated a few comments. Mostly questions about what was it exactly we were doing. This is material for a number of entries; perhaps, seriously, even a novel or a book. These entries will come along, I promise; too much happened during those years and it has to be sorted out in my own mind before it can be put to the computer. I believe it will be, if I can manage to do it right, a very interesting read.
“Outsourcing your Memory” also came in with some comments. My friend Doug (the same Douglas mentioned in the early Matecumbe entries) tells me that he exercises his brain every day. He is determined to push back “senility” to the early 100’s if at all possible. By the way, what he is doing has been recommended by neurology experts for many years; simple arithmetic problems solved “in your head” every day act as mental push ups. Reading, studying, learning a new subject; doing puzzles and some cardio exercises… all these add to the results. Sitting in front of the "tube" will not...
The Argentina entries are always a favorite. Also for me; those years were truly rewarding from a professional viewpoint, for much was actually achieved. The children also liked Argentina ; it is part of their good childhood memories. Unfortunately, the only aspect that did not benefit was my wife’s and my relationship. There is more than enough material for at least 3-4 more entries on Buenos Aires to be dispensed along the way.
Last but not least (of this bunch, that is) are the comments regarding the entry on India . There was so much that was actually experienced during my two trips there that it was difficult to hone into one area only. Because of the need to do this, the time spent at the Taj Mahal had to win hands down. It was just, literally, overwhelming. I also came to know, and share thoughts with, many folks during these trips and came to feel very much at home in this very old, diverse and complex country.
These particular entries could be seen as a “travelogue” of sorts. I am not sure this was the intent, but there are specific anecdotes that come from each port and city and they seem to be well received. The people of each country, as part of the human whole, have good and not so good sides. There is much wealth owned by a few; some of these folk do share and help others to get ahead. There are others who simply hoard… Then there are those who have little and give it all to others who have even less. And then there are some who have nothing and simply rejoice in being alive. A friend likes to say that “it is easy to give away leftovers; it is the true measure of sharing when you have but one plate to eat, and are willing to give some of this to others”. It is all in the encompassing make up of humankind.
There is still so much that is ensconced in my childhood memory bin; there are also many significant and interesting people with whom I have had the blessing of sharing time and space in my adult life. I think that a to-do list of entries will be put down somewhere; a list of moments which can be translatable into an entry for the blog.
Or maybe not… it may be better to just sit and write whatever comes to mind, just like I have done with this entry…
Be Well… Be Back!
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