During those years I traveled with the association, truly some beautiful places were visited; all in the name of propagating knowledge about our chosen field of endeavors: life insurance. Let’s go back to one of them…
That Monday morning we were given our marching orders for the following week: two of us (my usual travel partner at the beginning of my tenure, Bill, and I) would be leaving on Saturday morning, via Miami, with our final destination being the island of Tobago, next to Trinidad (actually, both part of one island nation) and very close to the Venezuelan coast. We would go to Trinidad, then hop on the local interisland air service and go to Tobago , arriving there late afternoon.
All well until we came to Trinidad and were transferred to the interisland “hangar’… a WWII vintage Quonset hut, in front of which was parked a nondescript 727. Now, this was not a bad plane, you say. You are right, I answered. However, this was to be the first (and only I will add) time I would hop across some 15 miles on a jet plane… Usually these short hops are done on a single or dual engine… prop plane. Both Bill and I were a little disconcerted, since we knew the landing strip at Tobago was short and with water at both ends. We, along with some other 14 questioning people, got into the plane which took off without much fuss but, much to our surprise, leveled off at some 200 feet above the water (about the height of an 20 story building) and darted across the space between the two islands. We waved to a fisherman in his dingy… I think he, as perplexed as we were, waved back!!
Well, the hour of truth… as we arrived at Tobago an interesting thing happened. I had heard of the term “Air Brakes” but had never had the opportunity to feel its impact in action… until now. We suddenly felt that the plane had literally stopped in mid air, and then proceeded to point down and drop at an impossible angle of attack for anything other than a fighter jet... or a rock. All I could think as my hands dug into the armrests was… “I sure hope this is being done on purpose” Just as suddenly we were, at the same time, over land and landing strip. The nose came up, the plane dropped down to the tarmac with a loud THUD!! and the pilot threw the thrusters into full reverse and probably stood up on the brakes, for the plane was rolling at a nose down angle … it turned to the left, still going a little fast and we could see the water, literally under the right wingtip, about 10 meters from the plane.
“Welcome To Tobago !!” Said the steward… his smile a little shaky.
Our reception committee was there waiting for us, to take us to the hotel where the seminar would be held. The carriage was an old and somewhat battered VW bus, circa 1964-66, of a nondescript color. As we headed to the hotel, using the back roads, everything was forgotten. Everywhere we looked there was a veritable explosion of colors and animal noises, mostly birds. Macaws, parrots, bees, flowers, fruits. What aromas, what colors!! I felt transported in time to my father’s “finca” (farm) in Cuba , where tropical flora and fauna always filled my senses. Wow… the little bus chugged up and down some truly memorable roads (in some parts, literally a grass covered way) and we arrived at the hotel.
This hotel had been converted from an old plantation which had been built back in the 1800’s. It sat on a hill, overlooking a secluded cove which was covered in flowers of all types and colors. A pool was built into the middle of the large patio and this was, in turn, surrounded with palm fronds, with a bar at one end. That first night, after the long flight(s) we decided to call it an early night and had room service; we would meet at the seminar room at 1pm on Sunday in order to arrange everything. So it was; next morning I went to the pool for a while, drank in all the splendor and the color, leaving it behind to go to the meeting room and help Bill put it together. After all was arranged to our liking we met, as a courtesy, with the company reps for a little while and then, being now already after 5pm, decided to take dinner poolside. Bill, being a practicing Mormon did not drink any alcohol… I had no such restrictions and ordered a rum ’n tonic to go with dinner and one for after… As we were lazily lying in the pool lounges, we dozed off and were awakened by a steel drum trio, playing old island favorites.
Picture this… A lazy late Sunday afternoon; a gorgeous island sunset, flowers everywhere, palm fronds whispering in the breezes, a drink in one hand and in the background, a trio playing great music… and as I look over to the next lounge, I see Bill lying on it!!! We both looked at each other and, almost at the same time asked the same question…
-“What in the world am I doing here… WITH YOU!!!???”
Oh well, what one must do sometimes in order to bring the bacon home…
Greetings from Tobago , Summer 1984.
Be Well… Be Back!!!
Yes, That is Tobago..... Now... Wouldn't YOU ask the same question???
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