Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More From “The Secret”…

“We live in a universe in which there are laws, just as there is a law of gravity. If you fall off a building it doesn't matter if you are a good or a bad person… you will hit the ground” (M.M. Beckwith, “The Secret”)

The thought that we are the ones who are actually shaping our own lives can be frightening. There are those who promulgate the concept of “predestination”, while others talk about one being responsible for his/her lives. Then, there are those who don’t really care one way or the other and simply tell us that we should just live day to day because nothing else matters. Yesterday is history, tomorrow may not come… so, today is what counts. If we refine this, we could conceivably just say… live for the instant, for nothing else matters.

Many concepts; many ideas...
If we read the concept of “The Secret” (hereafter referred to as TS, as in a fancy contract) those who subscribe to it have a different definition of the path of life. Each one of us, by shaping our thought pattern, will cause this path to shape itself around this pattern. Whatever is today a part of one’s life, according to those who write the compilation of ideas in TS, whether the issues which are considered good or the issues which are the source of complaints, are part of this chain of thought-reaction.

Do we really have a choice? This particular question has been posed on this blog before. Can’t say that it has been fully answered, because most of us in the process of getting through the daily grind, do not give much thought to “philosophical” issues or questions. I tell you that we should. These somewhat ‘esoteric” issues are, precisely, those which may well be at the core of our being. Who we are, what we are, where we go… If we do pay attention to these questions and answer them in our minds, chances are good we will be and head in the direction(s) wanted.

You can realize your dream
How often have you heard someone say “I don’t really know what I want?” or, “I don’t know how to go about … (fill in the blank)…”  More to the point; how often have you heard yourself utter, in sheer frustration, something that sounds a little –or a lot- like these above? I bet that if we are honest with ourselves, the answer is “more than once” … in fact, many times. I have along the way questioned my own situations and the consequences of these. And, you know what? In carefully thinking back and taking the time to identify my lifestyle and ideas at certain given times, it could very well be that the situations I complained about, or did not understand, were brought about by a lack of concern or, perhaps, a not fully comprehensive understanding as to what “universal cause and consequence’ really meant.

Does this mean, like the contributors to TS state over and again, that we can take a hand in the management of our own lives and, to an extent, control that which happens in our very own “universe”?  Dr. Fred Alan Wolff, author and Quantum Physics expert, in a quote that has become a favorite of mine tells us that “…I’m talking from a deeper understanding; Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can’t have a universe without mind entering into it, and that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived at any given time”. He goes on to compare the mind with a very powerful “broadcasting” tower, which casts our thoughts into the general universe; these become our life experiences; we become defined by our thoughts. Much like a rooster strutting in the hen house… that is its universe and its actions define the perceptions. Actually, in allowing our mind to define our life, we are helping shape the general universe, since we are an integral part of its present and will be of its future, as past collective memories.

Takes many to shape our world
Think for a moment; open your mind to these ideas and concepts and you will be able to identify several moments during which decisions made by you (whether intentionally or not, or perhaps "non-decisions") have had a defined hand in creating your immediate universe. We may call these “life experiences” and, indeed they are. But we have to go one step further and actually accept responsibility and then re-channel our thoughts into a positive course. I can tell you, from experience, that we can indeed make things happen by channeling our thoughts and out mind into them. Does it mean that changes will be immediate? No, not necessarily. That entity that we will call “cognitive universe” needs to be sure of what we want. The so called radio “broadcast” has to be on a repeating loop for a while, until we ourselves are convinced that it can indeed come about. Then it will happen and your own determination will be the factor which will bring it about.

All the above and many more ideas that are expressed in this and several other books, simply try to tell us that we should really take a hand in leading our own life and destiny. Our minds are such an incredibly powerful instrument that they can truly shape our actions and lives and, often, the lives of those around us.

Can one man's dream, if strong enough,
change the course of a nation?
I know… I know… you get to read about this every so often. Do you know why? Because in my mind and life (as convoluted as it may have been at times) this has proven itself to be real and true. It has happened to me and to others I know: think hard and long enough about something you truly want and it will come to pass. No, not in a miraculous way; it will come to pass because your thoughts, once convinced, will influence your actions and the actions and beliefs of others around you, creating the structure or path necessary to achieve your dreams. It all depends on whether you are willing to focus and work with yourself. Is it easy? Definitely not, especially in the beginning… whatever is new will demand concentration and learning, but it will be worth while.

By the way… got a call from Cheito… He took his Cachita and his little angel to a vacation. Seems they are spending some time near the everglades (a lot cheaper he tells me...) as he said to me “you know… computing with nature an' all that” (I think he meant “communing” but with Cheito you never know…) He also said that they are trying new foods every day; anything bigger than a mosquito is open to be put in the pot… He will be back soon and sends his “greetins’”

Be well… Be Back!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...