Friday, October 7, 2011

Whenever Minutes…

Seems that our lives today are ruled by all these non-contract contracts. Whenever minutes, how many texts, whatever data… Our world is turning into a techie dream and an uninitiated cyber-deficient's (read "dummy") nightmare.

We hear the term “globalization” more and more often. In the US, this is a term which constantly reminds us that the world has indeed changed from just 30 years ago, when our country was at the leading edge of most concepts then brought forward. Those were the times when cellular telephony was in its infancy … remember “The Brick”? It could be used as a phone, a weapon and a very efficient paperweight whenever you were out of the infamous “coverage area” which, then, was more often than not. 

In the future ... part person, part machine
 If we last long enough, without blasting our world to smithereens first, the concept of the science fiction “Cyborg” will come to pass… part human and part biological machinery. If you are old enough, you will remember when the “Million Dollar Man” (Partly reconstructed) was considered a science fiction program … He has, by now, become a quaint memory, for many of us walk around (myself included) with a tungsten hip, knee, elbow, or a combination of these. No, we don’t have the superhuman powers just yet, but I am sure this is on someone’s drawing board already. Not long ago I was reading about experiments in (I believe) Japan, where some of these “innovations” were already being tried; re-growing cells, implanting “phone chips” in finger tips, the ever popular X-Ray glasses (the “B-C” movies from the 50’s and 60’s come to mind here) and several other goodies we thought would never come to pass.

Layers and Layers
I belong to a sandwich generation which has been caught somewhere in the middle of all these “improvements” (I think they are… or not?) But in my candid confessions, it is true that these scientific advances are a delight to watch and to, whenever possible assuming my outdated brain cells allow this, try and understand and actually learn their use. But it never ceases to amaze me as to how today’s little babes come out of the womb with an inbred instruction manual which seems to help them to, intuitively, learn the use of computers, master the intricacies of the super “I-Android-G2-G4-LTC-Phones-Tablets … etc” of the cyber world.

My wife’s 20 month old niece … manages her computer, sets up the video call (sometimes it takes me a while just to figure out if the bloody comp has a camera), initiates the call and when bored, simply cuts off… Oh yes, she also uses her mom’s B-Berry to make calls to her auntie … luckily, these don’t cost much … I have to admit that for a guy belonging to the leading edge of the Baby Boom generation, my knowledge of computing related issues is not bad … but when it comes to real techie stuff, if you are over 25, your brain cells don’t compute fast enough.

Did you know this baby has
100+ more comp capacity than
the lunar lander???
 Knowledge which used to take years of compiling, much effort in the part of many and much study, is today available with a couple of touches of your fingertips. You can connect anywhere you want, make inquiries of several info services the world over, have the results translated right in your computer, never mind what language was the original in, and be read to you if your computer is so equipped. Of course, we still (that is, we oldies) have the greatest advantage, which is to be able to our experience, out of date as it may be, to analyze cogently what it all means and how to best use it. Yeah, I know… computers can analyze also. But their ability to analyze issues is still (thank God!!) at the cold, machine logic level (think of a non walking Mr. Spock) devoid of emotion and human interaction. We still have the upper hand there … for a while, anyway.

Someone is watching
Another offshoot of all this instant communicative availability is that little can be hidden from someone with access to a computer and to a good data base. This is easily seen now that the political arena is beginning to heat up for the upcoming elections. The hoopla starts earlier than ever, the social networks become tools in the hands of savvy tech advisers, more people than ever can be reached … not enough now to turn off your TV. The bombardment comes at you through texts to your cell phone (wonder if these idiots ever thought about the fact that not all have limitless texts… can we charge their committees for the extra stuff?), spam messages to your email(s), and constant social network harassment. Politically, we have gone from the early “stumping” to “stamping” and now to “phishing” (yes, just like “fishing” but in the cyber world… and WE are the “fish”) The upside is that we can –and should- investigate all these folks, from the president on down, and take them to task over that which has been done in the past and goes against what they are now “upholding” in order to please us voters… or that which has been promised and not done…

Dick Tracy, Anyone??
 It will always be a source of wonderment, at least to me, seeing and living all these technical advancements. I love them … All this “newfangled stuff” should help us make a better living as time goes on. I hope. Recently, a group of computer “gamers” (another word to add to the vocab.) helped scientists isolate and identify a cell which is one of the primary links for the development of AIDS. This will go a long way to helping find an eventual treatment and cure for this disease. This would have been impossible years ago. In fact, it had been, since we have had the company of this dreadful disease for the better part of the last 3 decades. Imagine… through bio-technology we may now be able to find cures and/or effective treatment for a number of diseases which are difficult to treat or conquer. Think a definitive cure for cancer… what a wonderful thought!! But then … we will have to find out what to do with all the folks who will survive into an ever extending lifecycle… Hmmm… there’s never an easy answer, is there?

So Long Mr. Jobs... You made this
technology very available to us ... R.I.P.
Technology is a great asset, but it is as long as it remains an instrument and it does not become a master. We are the humans and lest we forget, it is our mandate to think, develop and prosper… key word is “think”, for the greatest computers in the world, even those which manage to win complicated games and set up extremely complex interacting theaters and situations, lack what we still have and have not developed fully: a brain coupled with a spiritual self. This combination, I do not believe will be equaled in the cyber world. That is what makes us who we are: human beings.

When giving marketing conferences was my thing, there was this little story I used to include once in a while … During a storm, there was a boat foundering, with three people on board. The lifeguards had to go out into the very rough sea and bring them in; they could choose a launch with a motor, or a rowboat powered by 4 people … The head guy chose the rowboat; they went out and, after much effort and close calls, brought the others in to safety. When asked why the rowboat and not the motor driven boat was used, he said: “in a critical situation, any mechanical device can easily give out … man will give the extra effort and not give up; this is our spirit

Be Well… Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Any comments, please send to ; it comes directly to me. I promise to read all coming messages, and answer what I can.
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!! 
  • Remember that as off 10/16 at 6:30pm EST, we’ll be “On Air” for a 30 minute period and will be, hopefully, able to continue it every week-end. Come Join US!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...