Friday, January 20, 2012

Facing Cancer…

This piece was sometime in coming; the sinking feeling that overwhelms a person when confronted with the reality of this unwanted visitor, is really unfathomable.

Why write about this now? Not really sure; perhaps because there are some dear friends who are now battling this illness and, no matter how “minor” (if any cancer could ever be called so) it may be, the potentially lethal attacker must be taken very seriously…

According to the several conversations held with my medical advisors since the fateful discovery, my understanding is that cancer apparently feeds on, amongst other things, the states of the mind and body of the victim. The more pressure and stress the person is under on a regular basis, the more battered the defense mechanism becomes. The more battered this vital function of the body becomes, the easier it is to contract a number of diseases one of which being, apparently, cancer. This is not the only reason; in fact, our science guys still have no real handle on all possible causes.

About two weeks after an insurance exam took place some four years ago, my wife (who also worked out of the same office) asked me to meet with her at the Director’s office. There, I found out that I had been turned down for the increased coverage requested. My PSA values were right at the “possible” prostate cancer level… needless to say, it was a “cold water in the gut” feeling.

A follow up visit to a specialist was scheduled and the diagnosis was confirmed: the cancer had invaded 60% of my prostate and it was at level “3”. After the initial shock had worn off, I actually had a strange, peaceful feeling. It has to be added that at no time during the process did I ever have the thought, even remotely, that this situation would either get worse or end my life. Due to financial and personal issues, actual treatment was not started until 16 months later, after a change of living venue and my acceptance into the Veteran’s Health care system.

By this time, the cancer had become an aggressive “Gleason 9” level invader. But thanks to, I am sure, the guiding hand of The Father it never was able to spread, being totally contained in the prostate gland. I was very lucky; more so than many others. Different treatments were discussed, and surgery was ruled out at that time. Instead, an aggressive radiation treatment was chosen, with 60 sessions in the machine I eventually came to call “The Little Earthbound Enterprise”. All I could hear during the treatments were the zips and zaps of the laser beams going into my body, attacking the “Klingon Cells”. After these treatments the tumor had, literally, disappeared and to insure (as much as this could be "insured") a non-return, a two year testosterone suppressant implant was put into my arm; testosterone is the most accelerating multiplier factor to prostate cancer cells… anywhere in the body these cells may be found. All subsequent tests have given a “0.0” result, telling me that, for the moment, I am free of this immediate threat.

All the above was the technical stuff. Oh, yes… also had three non-related surgeries including a hip replacement in that span of time. Talk about a “makeover”… But, what about the non-technical, non medical stuff?

If you read these posts regularly, you know I am a firm believer in the spiritual aspect of life; religious specifics aside. I had met people before who on finding out they had cancer, allowed their minds to shut down, bringing on a sometimes needless, early death. I had also met, and continue to meet, people whose minds refuse to give up, even in the face of certain death. From the first I learned what not to do; from the second I learned that we, as functioning minds and spirits, have the choice to face adversity and fight for what we believe is our right to life. We either give up and allow this insidious enemy an outright win, or we stand and give our side all we are, giving ourselves the opportunity to win or perhaps even to draw, earning the right to stay on a while longer.

Not even for a moment did I allow myself to feel like the fight might be lost; it just was not in the cards. While waiting for my treatment sessions, I met many who were in much worse shape than I; some were hopeful and positive, others were defeated and angry. Then, there was also the factor “Faith”. Not just on the scientific methods, but on the Spiritual Hands I felt and received every day, at every moment. So much so, that during the treatments I actually had a very restful and peaceful nap… to the surprise of the techs… In living this process, I learned that there is strength in our hearts, just waiting to be found… also found and felt hope in the midst of the darkest moments; moments of near despair when our minds is all we have... we then know, when the mind refuses to give up, that we have a real chance to fight on.

Most important, I also learned that there is indeed a Higher Entity who is willing to listen, to comfort us, to give us His love and to carry us in His arms… if we would only allow Him to. This is my belief; does not have to be yours… but I am fully convinced of this, beyond any reasonable or unreasonable doubt.

Have there been side effects from the different treatments? Of course there have been… Some discomfort remains in the lower abdomen from the Zapping attacks… and testosterone is the so-called “male hormone”; in suppressing it there are unwanted side effects which will last for two or three years… on the other hand, I will be here at the end of those two or three years to fight on; a fact that might not be true otherwise. For us men, it is important not only to be able to hear our hearts and guts, but also to think with the head we carry on our shoulders… if you get my drift.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, get help. It should not necessarily become the end of your world. Believe in your own strength and in the strength of your mind and heart; also believe you are not alone, if you only allow Our Father and His Son Jesus to accompany you and to hold your hands. If you have faith, do not lose it… on the contrary, make it stronger.

On the non-spiritual plane, get yourself the best doctor you can get. This does not mean someone who charges the most for services; it means a doctor who inspires trust and confidence in you. This is an incredibly important aspect of any kind of treatment, cancer included; if you have trust and confidence on the physician who treats you, your mind will be much more at ease and the treatments will have a much higher probability of succeeding. Ask questions of your medical support team and expect an answer, a complete answer.

This entry could go on but I think the message I wanted to get across has been explored: Your positive attitude and your faith, along with the treatments you physician prescribes, will be your strongest allies in a fight and potential win against this malignant, unwanted visitor... 

If you have a friend who is in the midst of this fight, support him or her. You may be the one to give your friend the strength needed to succeed…

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
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  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...