Used to be that
when two people met, it was a personal thing…
years ago, in order to call someone a “friend” there was supposed to be actual
contact and some
sort of mutual consent and knowledge about the other person and a direct exchange
once in a while. Today… well, I guess this is why we call them “virtual”
lol… ++lmao…cn u cm hr 2 mt me?] No, this is not some sort of codex encoding
wrung out of a spy by way of unimaginable torture; this is actually what a text
(txt) message from a regular living, breathing person may look like. What does it say?
After consulting several experts, mostly in the age range of 10-15 years and
being looked at like some sort of ancient dinosaur, the following emerges: [Hi, “lots of laughs” … more yet, “laughing
my ass off”… Can you come here to meet me?] Experts tell us that the
ability of the coming generations to actually write complete sentences, let
alone some sort of coherent paragraph, is in danger of being seriously
again, language does evolve with new uses and applications. Terms like the
above mentioned “texting” have a different meaning than it might have had just
15 years ago… Social networking has nothing to do with social places or even
social graces, for that matter; and what about “vidcasting” or “netcasting”?
This last one used to be a fishing term and, not to be outdone, we now have to
contend with a different kind of “phishing” altogether… this one will not put
food on your table, but may actually take it away…
OMG!!! … Shakespeare must be twisting in his
( that’s Facebook, for you uninitiated
folk) has become the window of the soul(less)… There really is a lowering
of general standards when someone feels that he/she must let the world know at
what time they go to the bathroom, or get dressed, or get drunk and spew out
whatever the content of their guts were at the moment… The pictures and the
“Fwd…Fwd…Fwd…” that plaster the screen every time I open my FB (Yes, I do have
one) force me to erase half or more of the content… Not really worth it or the time spent going through it.
like most everyone who has retired from a productive working life, has found a
secondary life and a way to occupy free time by writing all kinds of nonsense
every time they open the computer… Little gems of household wisdom that,
neither does it come from their household nor can it be considered to have
much wisdom… just repetitious nonsense. This is now fast replacing the email
chain letters. Seems like less and less people are actually forwarding these
foolish emails, usually coming through with a trail of no less than 100+ names
and addresses. So, in its stead, now we are getting the FB chain of
“re-postings”, and they are just as obnoxious.
then… we have the “Tweet” syndrome. Public figures use this as a way to stay in
front of their “followers”; some of these people have well over one half
million followers… This following (along
with You-Tube viewings) has become a measuring stick for the level of
popularity of the individual. The only thing is that, when you get to these
figures, then you are forced to write something every few minutes, or the fear
of being “untweeted” borders on the paranoiac. So what we then have is, again,
something that is done, not to inform, educate or even entertain, but only to occupy space and
time, keeping a name in front of my face… well, my phone. I have taken the time
to actually “follow” a few of these folk and a lot of what comes through is
really incredibly dumb. Sample posting from a TV personality… “My new poster
just arrived”… Huh??
what I do get from this, is that these people have learned to gainfully
manipulate the “social networks”, while I just sit here and complaint about it…
well, free speech and all that… Just jealous really…
the new social order, along with the new communication skills to go along with
it, will most likely change the content and context of what future generations
will read… and how this will be done.
will read “Gn wth th Wnd” and “Wr ‘n Ps”… or perhaps “Th Lrd f th Fls” and this
will not be done by pushing paper pages, but by passing the electronic pages on
the “E-reader” (or, should it be “E-rdr”?)… I wonder if the electronic index
finger has to be “wetted” to pass these pages… Hmm…
is beautiful when done to improve our present status… although sometimes
change, for the sake of changing, is less meaningful. I guess this is what our
parents said at some point , right? About whom was it that was said: “he is a
bad influence… the way he moves his body and what he says in the songs… It’s INDECENT!!!”
Choose: Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Rolling Stones, Run-D… or, all of the
above?” If you chose the last, “all of the above”, you win the prize. Goes to
show, the more we change, the more we remain the same. Every generation made
the one before suffer with their changes…
it’s our turn…
“B Wll … B Bk!!!” ;-)
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
- Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
- Any comments please send to
- Remember: We are “On Air” every Sunday night at
6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste
to your address bar.
- “La
Otra Caja de Pandora”… The
Spanish language Blog… “”
… Bienvenidos!!!
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