Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The State of Dis-Union.

Every year we hear how well we are doing as a nation, except none of us day to day  hard working folk (well... those who do have jobs) seem to realize it…

Last night, as we do every year about this time, the President of these United States came on the tube and proceeded to tell us all about the perceived (by him and his supporters) good this administration had been able to achieve in the 3 years of stewardship they have accrued. Of course, the purpose of this is to begin the long trek which awaits all involved in this upcoming election process (voters included).

Whenever my tired ears listen to this type of speech, the brain begins a number of gyrations, trying desperately to make some street, day-to-paying bills day sense out what is being heard and that which is being lived by those whom I know at the trench level. It seems that the different wars are over except for Afghanistan and, who knows, maybe Iran and/or whatever nation needs to survive a shelling in order to have some peer recognition…

The economy is still in shambles but, when the “imagespeak” folk (those who are in charge of creating, nurturing and cleaning the President’s image at all times) get through with their brand of language cleansing and de-bugging, what finally comes out is a mixture of googly gook and double speak… with a few recognizable words put in every so often so as to have us think this is the actual topic of reference… whatever it may be, because I already forgot.

Our actual President, like all others before him, was quick to blame all perceived and/or real ills on the previous administration. And, of course, any and all achievements were due exclusively to his foresight and cunning, as well as to the incredible forte of his supporting cast. Why is it that We, The People, keep on swallowing this junk, when we full well know that words are easy and cheap (talk to me about it!!) and what should be judged are the actual results which can be fully attributable to the mandated POTUS. Fact is that a few of the promises made were maintained while a majority was not.

When this is questioned, then we are told that “The Other Party” folk have held progress in check. My question is simple: “The Other Party” in question has only had control of certain parts of the legislative body since the mid term elections (themselves a good indicator of the people’s not-so-good feelings at the time)… What happened during the first two years when not “The Other”, but The Same Side Party had control? Even these folk perceived that several of the initiatives could easily get out of control. The POTUS own party blocked them, not “The Other Party”…

Then, of course, we had the follow up rebuttal from “The Other Party” and, again, nothing new here. Except the focus was on those issues not attended and on those promises not kept. Otherwise, the same condescending lecture was heard. In the end, it comes down to a “Vote For ME and Not For Him” spiel.

We, The People, have some strong issues to review and, once the primary rubble is cleared and we know who will be contending on behalf of “The Other Party” (since we already know who will do so for the “ruling” party) we have to take a hard look at what is being espoused on both sides and also at the history of how much has been actually accomplished. We have already lived three years under the actual president. The question is then… Do we want four more years of the same? Or, on the other hand… do we want to try a course which has already been tried before and has its own little underwater rocks and shoals which could render the ship inoperable?

Is it a question of philosophy?... Is it a question of leanings?... Is it a question of preferences?... Is it a question of political knowledge?... Do we blindly go full speed ahead and “damn the torpedoes”?... Do we adjust and change course, accepting that these necessary changes may cause some short term hurting, but will help in the long term?

Not easy questions and not easy, off the cuff answers here. We, as a nation, are in a delicate state at this time; more so than we have been in many years. Yet we are, despite all the shortcomings, still one of the world’s primary economies and better risks, but the overall picture of world economies is far from what it may have been in the past. It went from rosy pretty to somewhat patched up gray. We could say that in a world of blindness, we are still one eyed…  

Whoever may be leading this grand ship in the next few years will need to talk less and do more. And whichever “The Other Party” is, needs to antagonize less and cooperate more. The needs and wants of the “cronies” will have to be set aside so that the need and wants of We, The People, take a priority place. And we have to let them know what these are...

These, in effect, are the only issues that must occupy that priority place.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...