Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year… Cheíto Style…

“¡Hola Mi Hermano… Merri Krismas!!... ¡Hapi Niu Yeear!!

It was the all too familiar voice that came over the limping phone wire… Well, limping transmission… phone wires are becoming a thing of the past!! My friend Cheíto had come up for air again…

-“Juats Hapenin?”…  “Jau’s ur Krismas?” Asked he of the proud Hialeah accent… “Great!” I answered… “We had a visit with some of the kids and spent some time in Miami…”  “I called you but had no answer… wanted to say hi to you and Cachita”.

-“Man, I’n sorry… Cachita and me, we went to visit cosin Pepe in Naples”... “Ju knoe… he has a big house with an inside pul, so we go with our swimming suts an’all”.  “Princesita had a great time… we had lechón (pork) for krismas and sidra, an all kind o good stuf to eat…” "An me and Cachita… cost us nuthin… dat’s the best part”

“Well, I suppose you gave your cousins a present or something, just to say thanks for being invited… right Cheíto?” I had to ask because Cheíto is really a good guy, but he can easily forget his P’s and Q’ when he gets excited… and he seemed to be.

-“What else did you do while at your cousin?”  “Did you take Princesita to one of the parks?”

-“Park?... juat park?” … he asked…

-“Well, like Disney… you know, the mickey mouse park?” I answered…

-“Oh yea… my cosin, he say sumtin about goin to visit a mouse but, ju knoe… we hav nuff of them thins runnin' round our block rite hear in Hialeah…” “we don’ need to pay no mony to go see one more…”

-“Cheíto… this is not a real mouse, man…” “This is make believe, you know, a mouse that talks to the kids… and they have a talking duck also”

-“A tolkin mouse an’ duk?” “Man, an thees people look at me laik I’n crazy when I tolk to Confucio”(Confucious)

-“Who, or what, is Confucio?” I asked, somehow being a little afraid of whatever answer I might get…

-“Dat’s my perro sato (mongrel) I pik up fron the strit, man”… “Intelligen’ and cost nuthin’”… “I tolk to hin an he jus hears me an he moves his teil al’over man”… “I reeli love hin … he sleeps by my side of the bed… evry nite”.

-“I didn’t know you had a dog… I guess he is a good friend, but it is very different from what they have at the park, Cheíto”

-“Mebbe it be differen…” then he added… “But, ju knoe… if we go to one of this parks… well… everithin is espensive, no?”

-“Yes, everything costs money, and you can easily spend more than what you should, especially when you go with a child”, I had to admit.

-“Well, ju knoe… if I take Princesita to this mouse place, and she wan’s sumthin… I kan’t say no Rafa… I hav to get for my Princesita juat she want”… “Man, there ain’t nuf money in this worl’”

Having been to the talking mouse park myself with a child, I had to agree. “Yes, I know Cheíto… but the children are so happy at this place”

-“Mebbe they ar’” “but” he added “If I spen all my mony ther, jow can I buy juat she needs after? “Ju knoe… dresses, dancing class, piano class –she gonna be a good piano player, ju knoe… and all the little stuff she ask for al’o the tine?”

“Well, Cheíto, many families just save money during the year and then they go for a week to the park”

-WHAT, ju crazy man?” “Save mony for a hole jear an spen’ it ol on a talking mouse?” “We can go to New Yor’ an visit tía Consuelo… she feed us an’ everythin”… “An’ I gues we can visit the strit mouse that lives in a hole down the corner fron her jaus’”… “It don’ tolk… but it sur is beeg!”

Then, after a couple of seconds, he added:

“No man, I cant for shur spen’ all that mony to visit a mouse…” “I haf tu many thins’ to pay for and to many mor’ to buy for us, with to little mony already”

After this little bit of basic roots reasoning, we said our good byes and each went his own way, to continue on with his daily routines. Perhaps because he was not brought up in the mystique of the big MM, or Disney… perhaps because he simply looks at the immediate life he leads and the responsibilities he has to his little Princess and to Cachita; the truth of the matter is that Cheíto has his feet firmly planted on the ground when it comes to spending money on those things he considers superfluous… and a big, talking mouse is –apparently- one of them.

I don’t know… He might have the right of it...  we do spend our monies at the drop of a hat and not always in the most productive places. Then we complain when whatever is left, is never enough.

Think about it… next time you are shelling out your hard earned money for something that is not really needed… Better yet, think about it before you do take your wallet out…

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs).  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theotherbox If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “otracaja.blogspot.com”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...