Yes, it has become the day which starts the Christmas gift buying
frenzy in our society and marks the possible financial survival of several
shops and chains…
… but it has become much more than this. It is now
a microcosm of what our society is and what it has become. And further unbecoming. The sight of thousands of
people waiting in line and, in too many instances, hitting each other, pushing
and punching their way into a store as the doors are opened for this event, is
a sight to be forgotten. Makes a solid case for being the script of a horror
movie … “The Crazy, Maddened Multitude Roars” … “Watch as thousands compete for
a few offerings of our marketing gurus; Blood!! … Sweat!! … (No, I will not say tears; that was too good
a band to malign here!) Only the hardiest survive, taking home the golden
fleece …
The Throngs get ready ... set... |
It seems that material offerings have become the
end all at the foot of the modern “I Want It” religion’s altar. We are a society created by marketers and
have embraced all their concepts totally into our hearts… Our children are
supposed to learn from us, mirroring what we do and do not do. Yet, as I watch
this uncontrolled “Black Friday” frenzy (from
as “afar” as possible; usually on TV and now on YouTube) of adults who crazily
enough have some children tagging along, my mind goes into a questioning frenzy
of its own.
Why? Do we really need that latest “thingamabooby”
so badly that we are willing to totally degrade ourselves in order to get it? Are we teaching the right concepts to our
children by behaving as a bunch of frenzied, salivating morons, leaving whatever
dignity we may have behind in order to get the latest prized piece of plastic
offering? Yes, economic times are bad and whatever we may be able to save in
our purchases is a welcome respite. But
I think and believe that we have to start by defining that which is necessary
from what is a “want”, and then look at what we are willing to give up, beyond
money, to get it.
...GO!!!... |
In a “related” topic, we are supposed to be teaching
our children as they grow into adulthood the behaviors that will help them
become better human beings … right? Somehow,
I do not believe these examples will go a long way into helping the upcoming
generation understand simple concepts as dignity, patience, acceptance that
sometimes what we want is not worth denigrating ourselves just to get it and,
much less, beating someone else into the ground … And we all know that all words
which we may utter, say or –foolishly- scream to our children, will be totally
silenced by the behavior examples we, as parents, set.
I know … Black Fridays will go on and the throngs
will continue to fight, coliseum style, against the lions of want, frustration,
despair and anger, anytime one of these events takes place. The thought of
being the first in line, to be able to have that gizmo before someone else does;
the idea of having more than your neighbor and that your child has more than
the neighbor’s child has become tantamount of success in our society at large.
Do we say ... Enough? |
What do we give up in exchange? Not much, it would
seem if we listen to those who advocate these marathons of buying frenzy.
Perhaps to their eyes and wallets, the financial end justifies the means.
Losing face, showing our children that they can, literally stomp on someone
else at any time in order to get an unimportant item (no, our child will not really die if he/she does not get the latest
whatever to replace the almost latest whatever they already have), the idea
that we can freely behave as an unthinking mob in the throes of a feeding
frenzy… The values we exemplify when we behave in this manner are all incredibly
negative. Win at any cost, regardless of damage done to others, is not a value
which will create the future men and women with whom I want to share my life.
Or my children’s life.
To what extent ?? |
Please think before you do… your behavior is a true
guideline for (your) children. There will be times when we as adults
“misbehave” but usually these come as a result of a moment of frustration, a
negative issue which was unexpected or a bad moment in general … we all fall
prey to any of these … but usually these moments are not a planned issue.
When this happens this is the message we pass on solidly: plan how you can do a
bad deed to another in order to get ahead; in order to just get what you want … anything goes!! Regardless of the
economic impact; the intrinsic impact in our persona and that of our children
who eventually look to this behavior as a norm is, as the card commercial tells
us, “priceless” beyond any measure.
Happy Black Friday!! Be Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
- Pray for those who are fighting an illness which
may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and
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- Any comments please send to
- Remember: We are “On Air” every Sunday night at
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