Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just had my coffee and toast,

Beginning a morning is sometimes a matter of sheer willpower.  Especially a morning which begins in a lost fog, with the mind refusing to focus on anything in particular…

Last night I took a sleeping aid, something that is rarely done in my case … one of those pain management pills with a “pm” attached to it. Reason being, there was this constant headache; the “left eye headache” kind that usually the body sets off in order to let the weary soul know there has not been enough sleep had over a period of time. The only problem is that it was done forgetting that we had had a couple of glasses of wine over dinner. So this morning, thanks to the aggregate effect it felt like, instead of a couple of glasses, the intake was more like a bottle and a half…

Actually, it was a very good dinner with my cousin’s daughter. She is a vivacious, pretty young lady who, physically, carries an uncanny genetic imprint that anyone from the family could recognize immediately. She married a young German gentleman, and has lived in Germany for a few years now (‘bout 3 yrs.) and now works for a German multinational company as a Project Manager.  “I was very lucky” she told us (my wife and I) “considering I do not speak much German yet, they needed someone with my studies and experience who spoke fluent English, to manage several projects in English speaking countries” and, she added with a smile on her face… “there I was, ready to be hired”.

Her adjustment has been, at times, a little slow in coming. Life over there is very different, according to her. Especially when you live in what was Eastern Germany (Soviet controlled) until a few years ago. “you can actually see and feel the contrast and the differences between the two sides” she told us; “not only is the physical appearance of the towns and buildings different, more austere, but also the demeanor of the people” but, she quickly added “they are good people, much more easy going than they are credited to be”. In becoming adjusted, she likes her new life very much and, of course, being in love helps overcome most any unease…

While discussing these differences and her initial “culture shock” I was mentally adding another chapter to the wanderings of our family and its descendants. How a change in a government can generate a Diaspora which can, eventually, disseminate the people of any given country all over the world. In this case, Cuba. It is estimated that approximately 1.6 million people (an astounding number, for a population of some 11 million when this started) have actually left the island; if we take these numbers into following generations at a conservative multiplying rate of just 2 children per new generation, and assuming just three generations after 50 years, we can say there are probably some 12 million folks of Cuban ascendancy floating around the world. A number which is actually larger than the number of actual citizens existing at the time of the current takeover or, perhaps, even now. Our family alone is now responsible for some 36 such cases, between those who left and their (our) descendants. My cousin’s family’s case truly reflects the overall scenario: five live in Colombia, 5 in the US, one in Germany and now one in Australia. Truly an unthinkable development to even glimpse, as we sat by that street facing front window many years ago discussing, as only children can in their innocent ways do, the world at large…

There have been a couple of entries where these particular cousin branch has been mentioned; the offspring of my maternal aunt (actually, my Godmother as well) and who were, really, more brothers than cousins.  Each has carved his/her own niche and has gone on with their lives as the years and therefore life, go on. As it happens with these changes and when dealing with someone who is not prone to be a constant follow up (me), keeping in touch over time and distances has been a tenuous exercise at best. Too bad; again, not anyone’s fault but one’s own.

Not to mention the other bunch which is still in Cuba. Four girls born to my other aunt, who followed a very different route in life. At least one was educated in Russia, during the Soviet/Cuban collaboration heyday in the 70’s, and they all live in Cienfuegos, with their own children. Needless to say, my contact with this branch has been pretty much non existent. Not because of ideology or some such foolish issue; just that it was for many years difficult to communicate and when the venues opened somewhat, then communication was a moot point; there was nothing we could really talk about or discuss. It turns out we did not really know each other well enough to pursue this possibility.

Sad, how familial cores do get dissolved over the years, when life’s pressures beat down on everyone involved. I plan to visit my hometown early next year, the first such visit since my departure. Even when there is potentially little to discuss, they are still my family and it is a priority to re-establish communication … actually, in this case, to get to know each other anew, after so many years.

Family is indeed important; in the overall stage of life, as we play out our dramas and comedies, they are –or should be given the opportunity to be- the strongest support cast we could have. It is a shame to have lost this to a political break down; to a government that cared more about maintaining its own power at any cost, than about the future and well being of those it was supposed to help. My thoughts here just reflect the slow but inexorable breakdown of a family which, at one time, was a very united group of “little lunatics” … It is one small sample of what has happened to thousands of families just in Cuba … a very small island country to start with … but a maker of good people who do not give up easily.

Be well …  Be Back!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora … not too many silly entries, just enough to inform you …
  • Any comments please send to; it comes directly to me. I promise to read all coming messages, and answer as many as I can.
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar. 

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...