Wednesday, November 23, 2011

“Churching” and the Holidays...

This time of the year, just before what is known as the “High” Holiday season begins, we all go through a cleansing process. In doing so, we mentally empty the negative contents of the inner vessel and ready it up for the upcoming year… to be filled again.

It has been said that guilt is the mightiest weapon the Catholic Church has at its disposal; to those born into Catholic families, it is generationally taught from the cradle and it perpetuates itself throughout their lives. This becomes especially so amongst the poorer folks in the developing societies who look to the church as a saving body, for they have not much more to hang their hats on in this lifetime. The biggest fear instilled is that if the tenets are not followed very closely, their selves will be considered outside the church and, therefore, unable to reunite with the spirit of The Father upon their death(s).

I am a believer; have been so by choice for many years now. Yes, my early training was within the Catholic Church and its school system(s). There was a falling out for a while and then I chose to believe in Our Father and to be guided by The Son, Jesus.  There is nothing that cannot be achieved within their mandate and will. My personal issue with the overall Church including the Catholic Church, is that its provenance is man; yes, the founding tenets may have been taken from the Word and Scripture, but as they (different churches) have developed over the centuries the instinct for survival has taken over, and by now have become self sustaining entities. Too far gone into the pomp and too far gone from the circumstance(s).

The rituals used by the Catholic church especially, have remained static in a changing world; for some, this seemingly eternal continuity is good but, for a growing majority, this is not so good. Too many men in robes have taken to the rituals by rote, forgetting to infuse the needed dose of spiritual strength and message that is so important. Others, a minority it seems, have and follow a true call to disseminate The Word with love and zeal, in a much more direct manner. I hope this group will prevail and become a much needed majority in times to come. From time to time I do go to a catholic church and feel very much at ease within the hallowed walls… a personal communion just between The Father and I, a somewhat wayward son…

And no, I do not think the Christian churches are free of sin (guilt?)… During this long personal process of adaptation and acceptance, there have been many highs and many lows. The road itself was one which taxed the mind, the heart and the spirit. In the end, several concepts were formed in my mind and heart. During my travels I have met and freely discussed theology and religion with scholars of different faiths, but my primary body of knowledge continues to remain within the Christian community of churches and derivatives…

Throughout this period (several years’ worth) I attended services in several places and with groups representing several denominations. The process of enchantment and subsequent disenchantment was similar in most cases. At first, reception was akin that which the prodigal son must have been given upon his return; then, as time and familiarity came to pass, some issues were common to all these congregations:

  • Their individual (as a congregation)proximity to Jesus and The Father is much closer than any other church or congregation’s, therefore,
  • Your (my) salvation is dependent on continued attendance to their services, not another Pastor’s services or church…
  • Apparently each congregation has the direct ear of The Father; in actuality, this is true, but not in the sense in which they profess it to be;
  • If you want to be saved you have to only go there and, lastly,
  • You will share your moneys with the church. Beyond your means if necessary.
Sharing is truly a religious experience. As opposed to just giving, sharing is passing on to someone else part of what you have even, and especially, when what you are giving is not from an excess, but is a part of what you need. Within all churches, the giving of Alms and tithes is an intrinsic part of the teaching. These are needed; the priests and/or pastors do have expenses, usually there is a mortgage and in the  pastors cases, these also have families to support; there are precious few other means for economic survival. Then there are the projects within the community which need to be supported. All well and good.

However, when the pulpit is utilized to coerce folk who have little to begin with, into giving everything they have even when to the detriment of their own and their families’ basic needs, then I believe the given power is being vastly misused. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. I participated in congregations where misinformed "helpers" made fun of other churches as being foolish and useless, while having their congregation do exactly the same as those others were doing; where the pastor threw guilt like a divine ray of vengeance into the congregants, doing his utmost to take all they had in their pockets. I believe this is utterly wrong. In fact, several pastors have in recent years run afoul of their congregations and the law, due to misuse of funds; this misdeed has been explained as a “need” to help them maintain a standard of living which is much loftier than any one of the congregants’, sometimes into the realm of millionaires. Is this the right use of available funds? I think not.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day; a traditional feast in the US; one which symbolizes the advent of winter and which celebrates an abundant summer and fall harvest. We give thanks for all we may have; we give thanks for the wealth, especially the spiritual wealth … and yes, also the financial wellbeing we may be fortunate to have earned.

Most of us will go into a church or another; others will celebrate at home, with a special prayer of thanks; I will be included in this last bunch. If you know someone who is alone, call or visit if possible ... just to say Have a Happy Day!!!  Truly assess what your life is and has been, recognize all the good that has been given you and also what those most difficult moments have allowed you to learn and to grow.  Be thankful for all the times gone and for the times to come; have the inner faith to accept that each one of us is the son/daughter of Our Father, in His image, no matter what religion you profess … these, in the end, all teach pretty much the same ideas and tenets. Trust in yourself to be unique and don’t surrender your mind and spirit to man… or woman, for that matter… these are very special and unique assets we have been entrusted to put to good use, do not so easily give them up.


Be Well … Be Thankful!!! … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar. 

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...