Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Night Wears On…

It seems that every time my head turns around, I am sitting at the computer and hitting keys. Hopefully, it is being done with a degree of order and coherence.

This is not a sure thing; the concept of writing on a daily basis can be daunting and, at the same time, it can become much more than a mere challenge being thrown your (my) way by a wanton desire to fill in the blank space. In every occasion this process begins, it provides yours truly an additional opportunity to behave in a very irreverent manner. Actually, at the very bottom of my little self resides an irreverent character, just waiting for the chance at coming out and jumping on an unsuspecting victim.

All begins with a blank page ...
 If we have “Dialing for Dollars”, why not have “Writing for Dollars”? This “writer” has been approached on a couple of occasions in order to dangle the lure of writing for money in front of my greedy eyes.  Now, we are talking about continuing to write this very blog, not start some out of the way column in an out of the way publication. Well … yeah, I know … this blog is not exactly The New York Times, is it? More like the Albemarle Bimonthly … being brought your way whenever we remember to publish it…! The real issue is that when money is involved (and, yes … I can use some of it!!)  those who provide it somehow believe that their rights include censoring and/or vetoing whatever comes to life in these spaces. And that … will not happen.

Then the story begins ...
 As said in the last entry: something funny has happened along the way while making the extra effort to fill in the blanks every morning. A mutual love affair, of sorts, has developed between the blog and I. Often, there is tiredness from the every day routine, which hits me just as my rear end is deposited on the familiar chair facing the end of the dining room table where my computer sits. We look at each other and a minor contest begins …  Ha, Ha… there is nothing for you to write…”, says the computer (I swear it does!!) But this is not the bad part … the worst part is that I actually respond, much like a small child who is being taunted by someone who (that, in this case) has the apparent upper hand … “Oh … Yeah…?” True … my vocabulary, when discussing topic possibilities with a laptop, becomes somewhat limited… The usual repartee then begins until it often ends with my threat to disconnect the bugger and shut it down.

The fact that there is usually an unknown road to travel with every entry chews at my resolve and this last weakens at times but, no fear!!!, “Atomic Ant” is here!!  So, what should be the theme of the morning? (or evening, as it is now) … should it be a family affair? … Perhaps a vignette or two? Or, maybe we should talk about the fool who wants to be the next President… then I realize there is not enough space on the blog to cover all the existing options to be used for this last item. Ahhh!!! The always trustworthy Weather!!! We did have a tornado warning today … In my living years, several natural disasters have been faced but never a quake (almost, in Mexico) or a tornado. I think these are, along with the dreaded Tsunami, some of Mother Nature’s worst punishments. Truly I hope that none such will ever be faced by me.

The art goes way back ...
 "Non sequitur time" … There is a nightly talk show we watch at home. As it happens, this is one of the very few Spanish TV shows I watch. The host is a Peruvian sometimes writer, sometimes critic, sometimes buffoon and even a one time (proudly failed) Presidential candidate in his home country. But he is a quick wit, with a keen insight into what is beyond the façade of those who come to his show … he is not afraid to jump on his guests (sometimes it would seem he is ready to do this in a physical sense, not just a verbal one) whenever they try to show off ... Yes, he can also be an obnoxious intellect but filled with irreverence and fun. He is Jaime Bayly and is at his best when confronted by someone of equal wit and intellect. It is a fun hour, most nights. This whole paragraph has really nothing to do with anything, only that I got up and went to watch him and laugh a little just now. 

Decide which way to go ...
 There is no way that a life (mine) spent moving around, living and traveling from country to country; of having a bitter tough and/or sweet time on a personal level, of witnessing misery and poverty as well as seeing how plenty is misspent; of constantly questioning my self, my thoughts, and the ideas expounded and roads traveled is all there is to be. Therefore, I have decided (don’t ask why or how) that whatever my reason for being on this mother planet is, will show its face in due time. This decision was made unilaterally (and without much base other than mere thought and intuition, I will add); no conversations, no consultations … All these travels and tribulations, when taken into account as a whole, present a life long “Living University”; an ongoing course, a never ceasing challenge and dare.  

Indeed, what you like ...
 What are we being dared to do? I think to become better, to get ready, to be complete within yourself and, maybe then, your true reason for being on this earth will come to you. But only if you are ready, not otherwise … Sort of like your graduation diploma.

Did you ever think about your passing through this life? Did you ever take the time and really look at yourself and at what you do? Ask yourself whether you are content or not? Or whether you do what you do and are who you are simply because it is convenient, a good face to put on before the world? That world at large that does not much more than observe so it can then criticize every step you take?

Let Your Inner light shine and guide you
 Sometimes it takes a whopper to get us to analyze our lives. A physical close call which brings you close to the reality of your (our) mortality … or the unexpected death of a loved one… The sudden understanding that who and what you are is really not that important to the world at large but should be to you … When this happens, then one begins to realize that what needs to be done is to reach for that star, that special one in our own firmament; that shining light which has always beckoned but has been mostly ignored by us. Usually it has been there, we are the ones who fail to see it and to appreciate it for what it is: a calling to re-set priorities, to define where our world is, beyond the parties and social life and the drinks in the hands; to understand that who we are is, in the end, much more important than what we are.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar. 

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...