Often we meet
people along life's winding roads who, for one reason or another, stick in our
minds and hearts. Circumstances, moments, time spent… who knows, perhaps all
these rolled into one.
around the summer of 2001, already 4 years into what would become a very long
stretch of time dedicated to the pursuit of a very slippery and costly goal, I
received a call from our NYC associate. –“You need to go to Portugal” he
said. In what was being done at the time Charlie (we’ll call him) a basic Brooklin-ite, accent included, was a
primary associate or partner. Also, he was deathly afraid of getting on a plane. I was then, due to a “temporary” lack of funds (more like a dearth), a secondary
associate. Sort of a glorified “gofer” except the “go-ferings” (whatever that is!!) were not to the next
corner, but to another country. Well, at least they were interesting doings…
do you mean Portugal?”
I had just come back from someplace else, and had been in NYC for about 3
weeks. When at “The City”, we worked out of an office on 34th street in Manhattan, just east of 6th Avenue.
An older building which, inside, looked more like a beehive than an office
building. The space belonged to Charlie’s friend, who was into ladies lingerie…
No, not as a pastime; he sold the stuff. So, as we often discussed the ins and
outs of the world of high finances, someone would answer by popping up from
behind a rack of size 36 triple “E” brassieres… Enough cloth here to cover half
the island.
actually, you will be in Portugal while waiting for some issues to be completed”
he said, then added in what seemed to be an afterthought “so you can go on to
Germany and take care of tying up some lose ends there” and while looking with a
befuddled expression at something that, I think, would someday be covering a
lady’s lower end. Fuchsia, I believe it was… and rather large…
Lisbon, The City of Red Roofs |
are we bankrolling this and when is this going to happen?” asked I…
will go with a round trip ticket to Lisbon, and you will meet a friend there
who will handle all expenses; then, after you finish in Germany, he will see to
it that you get back to Lisbon” Now, in my mind (Huh?) the idea would be to
come back to the States, not to Lisbon.
So, I so expressed my thoughts… “Well, I really
need you to stay in Lisbon
for a short while after you come back”… I let the silence hang… “There is
something else that may come up over there” then he added “You have to get
ready because the plane ticket is for next Monday” (this was Wednesday)
it was that some 5 days later I found myself on a TAP flight from NYC to
Lisbon, arriving at this beautiful, still “medieval-ish” city early on a
Tuesday Morning. Having never been in Portugal, I wasn’t sure where to
go. Never fear; standing at the receiving line was a man whom I had actually met some 3
years before in NYC, for a very short period of time. Actually, hours. But, in
a very typical Latin fashion, he came at me with a huge smile, wide open arms
and proceeded to embrace me like if he had just found his very own long lost
Hombre… Bienvenido a Portugal”
“Welcome Guy… Welcome to Portugal”
so it was I re-met Nuno. A very Latin type, into his early 50’s and always with
a smile. Since it was morning when I arrived, he took me to an eatery close by
and treated me to coffee and “sticky” buns, while we talked about my being here
and what was expected. “You know” he said, “When Charlie told me someone was
coming, and then he said it was you, I was very happy” I really don’t know why,
since we had met for barely a couple of hours some three years before…
Trolleys in the city |
exactly am I doing here?” I asked, since I wasn't totally sure as to what I was
supposed to accomplish. “Well, there is this guy in Germany who is not too happy with
the lack of developments on the financial front” he said, then adding “Our
German associate, whom you will meet, is dealing with him now” So, I asked… “If
he is dealing with him, why do I have to go?” Reasonable question, I thought…
“You are the guy coming in from the US just to see him”… “This carries
an extra weight”… “And Charlie has a lot of trust in you to handle these guys”.
Thanks Charlie, I thought to myself…
what do I do while I wait for this visit to come to pass?” “Don’t worry… you
will be at a hotel near here and we’ll see each other on an almost daily basis”
“there are many places you can visit while we are waiting” and he continued “I
understand you have never been here, right?”
short wait turned into some two and a half months; during this time Nuno became
a friend in many ways and proved to be a trustworthy one. True to his word, all
issues and expenses were taken care of and, even, he managed to send funds to
my family back in the states. This was something he didn’t have to do but, as
he put it “if your family is OK, you are OK”. We spent a lot of time together;
somewhere else in these posts I have written about Lisbon, my time there and some of the side
trips I took; most by myself, others in the company of Nuno. This period was
somewhat of a waiting, forced “vacation” of sorts and Nuno was always present; he would
take me to several of his meetings, and also took me to meet and share time
with his family; in general, making me feel at home while far from home.
The old city |
I went to Germany, and took care of our discontented German friend. He was OK after our
conversations and I returned to Lisbon,
to wait for the “second” part of this trip to develop. Once again, Nuno became
my guide and friend while there. That second part of the business plan never
came to pass… The date I arrived in Hamburg,
Germany, would
be one which would mark the end of an era and the beginning of another, much
different one. It was 09/11/2001.
we said our goodbyes when my time in Lisbon
was up, we made several promises to meet again; promises which at the time were
heartfelt, but which were dependent on many issues coming to pass. The
changing controls on the international financial horizons after that fateful
day in September, made it extremely difficult for many folk to continue on this
road. Charlie and I parted ways, and I lost track of Nuno. I went on to
different ways and also had to deal with some demons of my own as time went on.
4 weeks ago, having been able to reach someone I knew and who also knew him, I
asked for information, hoping to get a phone number where I could reach my
friend. What he told me was quite different… “Nuno died about three years ago”
he said, adding “his heart could not take anymore frustrations and failures”. I
quietly hung up after saying our goodbyes, and thought about the guy who had
received me with a huge smile and a bear hug years ago and, in doing what was
basically a business task, had actually become a friend.
at peace amigo; wherever your kind spirit may be.
Well… Be Back!!!