Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday... Glorious Sunday...

A definitive non-issue on a Sunday morning is having to get up early and hurry to get things done. That it, of course, unless you are one of those who work on a Sunday.

So on this Sunday morning, oh glorious day!! I read a little bit, had some breakfast, saw a little of football (American style) and went to, along with my wife, wash her car at one of those do-it-yourself-after-putting-more-quarters-in-than-you-can-possibly-have-in-your-pockets place. Of course, not what I had in mind to do, but a much better choice of action on behalf of the good stead bit. The other choice would have been to stay at home and enjoy the rest of the game. Hmmm…

Once we get to the carwash, there is this slit in the wall where your money goes and this little, slippery knob to switch from water to soap to rinse, etc… As you start to put in the quarters, the little clock starts ticking and suddenly you realize that it is a broken field race between the washerperson and the washing machine… I manned the high pressure hose; my wife the quarters and also the chore of twisting the little knob…

Well... Maybe it wasn't the little knob
-“Oh Shiites!!”... (well, it was in Spanish and sounded something akin to this) I hear a not very friendly cry from the knob twister and quarter holder… -“This litlle @#$#@@ thing is hard to turn and very slippery with all the soap flying around…!!” –“Whoa!!” Said I (to myself, since this was the more intelligent take) and then, in a louder voice, I added –“let me try it, maybe it is stuck”

I proceeded to the knob corner, trying no to slip on the soapy floor and knowing that each step there and back was a precious second off the bloody ticker. “You know” said I in my most ingratiating manner… -“This is hard to turn and it is built like a cone, making it very difficult to get a hold of” I pointed the high pressure hose directly to it and gave it a blast, cleaning off any possible foreign matter that might have been attached; In fact, almost detaching the offending little bugger. Then proceeded to twist it and get it into the next position. All in all, we had to recharge the machine twice, to get the job fully done. By then, we were wet, sweaty and dirty.

Next time, for Sure
And as we, very wet and dirty people finally got into the nice, clean car, I gently mentioned just in passing, that the fully manned carwash just up the road would have, for a mere $2.00 more, done a full job while we had a cup of coffee and watched others become all wet and dirty…  I think the look I received at that moment was of total endearment, but my vision was somewhat blurred by the falling sweat and soap beads off my forehead… The silence that followed I am sure was due to the deep, concentrated effort to meditate, understand and fully appreciate the wonderful individual she has for a husband… It is still in process, which means blessed silence as I write this… so thoughtful of her, no?  I think… Hmmm…
Healthy food...

We are (well, my wife is) into health smoothies, blending all types of fruits with veggies and fruit juice. While this is great stuff, it does little to really take off the deep seated hunger pangs. I am not a huge eater, but my eating preferences, when left unchecked, will definitely gravitate to the goodies I had while growing up. This means good old rice and beans, fried bananas, fried yucca (cassava in some quarters), beef in one of several slightly greased guises and flan or some such for dessert. Of course, along with bread under a canopy of butter… Yeah, yeah… I did say “if left unchecked”… the above feast (to me…) is available about once every 10 or so days, after having walked the bloody treadmill every morning during the rest of those days.
Nirvana Food?

I remember, as a child, my sister and I were always on a diet. I was on a diet to lose weight and she on one to gain weight. How jealous I was all the time… My portions were mockingly small while, to my hungry eyes, she received a feast on each platter. Yes, I was overweight as a growing cherub; there are very cute rounded cherubs... or not? And for most of my early life I fought off the added pounds constantly; not willingly mind you, just constantly. Today, having become aware of the concept of calories and trans-fat and all those goodies, I look back at what my daily intake was then and am surprised that my arteries, along with every organ in my body, didn’t become concrete blocks by age 15. Just remember that back in the 40’s and 50’s what we today look on as a healthy child, would be considered by our grandparents as one step away from the undertaker; on the other hand, every rounded little boy or girl was oh so cute, rosy cheeked and healthy looking!! ... Operative word: “looking”.

Michelangelo's "Big D"
An Icon Revised...
Meanwhile, on the same line of thought and back at the ranch, several official studies show that as many as 66% of adults in the US will be grossly overweight within the next 15-20 years; 30% already clip the scales at or near the obesity level. This is the quick-food, TV watching, video games playing generation coming into its latter, adult years. Sadly, it will be a reality plagued by bad health, costly medical care and reduced efficiency and production at work. We talk about educating the masses; there is no other area where large scale (no pun intended) true and simple education, supported with some additional encouragement is urgently needed. Whether it is medical support or a penalty of some sort (understanding that not all obesity is due only to just overeating) but as we stand now, we are headed into a humpty-dumpty world, literally. Political correctness aside, this is an issue which must be faced head on, and the major facilitating culprits heavily penalized where it hurts the most: the corporate pocketbook. No other type of penalty will make them change their ways; perhaps earning a little less and spending a bit more in order to bring better and healthier food to their serving counters.

Food is an energy issue, coupled with an enjoyment factor. Do we always have to eat only veggies? No; we can eat everything in reasonable, measured amounts and not in gargantuan mounds.

Well… so much for a Sunday… I hope you enjoyed your roasted BBQ…

Be Well… Be Back!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...