Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Can We Have Our Democracy Back... Please?

NOTE: This piece was originally written some 7 years ago. I am now in the process of choosing several pieces which will go into a compendium for possible publishing. That means I am reading anew most of those written along the way and, in reading this one, it hit me how it is that time passes on, but the apparent futility of the human mind (when it truly wants to be futile) does not change. What do you think?

Everyone wants a little piece of the pie, and everyone wants to have their 5 minutes of fame

We live in a country that was founded on very basic principles. There would be no royalty, no feuds. A duly elected government where all would be equally represented. Everyone would have the same possibilities and each individual would have the opportunity to pursue those very possibilities, according to his/her capabilities.

That was some two hundred years ago. The world has changed since then. It has become much more complicated, faster, smaller in a way. We now know what happens on the other side of the world as it actually happens. Whether we want to, or not. 

We have grown, mostly along with the rest of the world. Scores of nations have come and gone -and some come again- in that time, but we persevere. We are here. A little bigger around the waist and perhaps with less hair than years ago when it was customary to wear a wig. As we grew, along the way we also learned to speak “with forked tongue” when needed, putting truth and transparency to the side in the process. We have become full of contradictions and of issues which beg to be resolved. But we are beginning to lack the courage, or the interest, to do so.

Our Democracy needs to be revamped, rethought and kicked in the rear so it can get going again… 

·         We need to be able to know in full what goes on in the hallowed halls of Congress and the Presidency… we pay the bills.

·         We should be able to access information which is often censured and/or “for somebody’s eyes only” but which impacts us…

·         We should be able to vote directly and not through committees…

·         Tax reform –a real one– is needed. We should all pay a personal/corporate reasonable flat tax, with minimum exemptions and deductions.

·         Our government types should be paid based on results, not promises. This, like any position, has responsibilities and should be accountable.

·         We should be able to read, learn and to express our thoughts about issues freely and truly… especially the "freely" part…

·         Church is a state of mind. Each one of us chooses to believe where we feel comfort and love –or not- and others should accept this… and vice versa…

·         Fanatics should only be found at concerts and sport venues, not on the streets or newspapers telling me what I should do or think.

·         Each one of us should be able to receive according to our capacity to work, knowledge, and efforts.

·         Those who need –not those who want- should be able to receive help to satisfy their needs and get to the point of not needing.

·         We should all be able to have access to decent education; passing grades should not be given based on demographic needs, but on actual results. Education should improve the mind, not sink it into mediocrity.

·         Government sets the laws of the land; those in government should be held responsible for respecting and working with, and within, the scope of the very laws they propose and pass. Especially when some of these laws passed are not always in agreement with those citizens who voted them in. 

Utopian? Maybe… and then again, maybe not. Our seams are bursting at the edges, and we insist on continuing to burden society with more and more of the things that should not be a burden. How long can this nation and its structure take this abuse? I don’t know. I hope we don’t get to actually find out.

This human and political experiment we have come to know as the USA is still a beautiful example of what can be, when the people take a hand in shaping it; when the political types take a bit of time and pay attention to what it is those who elected them do want. It is a work in progress; I think we have strayed from the road our founding fathers meant us to take, but it is not too late yet to retake it and mend the mistakes.

 Will we? … Will our children?   Remains to be seen.

Be Well, Be Back.


Friday, June 11, 2021


 NOTE: in my ESL page on FB, I often put a quote and an accompanying “read” (my own). This one, however, was so impacting and so present, that I felt it should be put in the blog. I don’t know how many people may read this, but even if only one does, it is worth it.


It has been a long, work laden week, leaving little time for putting content on FB. However, we must finish the week “in style”. Today is a running commentary and longer than usual, and it will bring us to the quote itself. 

Once in a while, I watch excerpts of some of those global talent shows and did so this week just to get my mind “cleared” for a while. It was a lucky decision, for it brought on one of those rare moments in which someone truly touches your heart and gives a life lesson. 

Her name (stage name) is “Nightbirde”; she is thirty but looks twenty. A beautiful smile and radiating pure joy and happiness. Even through the small smartphone screen, she made one feel good. She had brought a song written by her called “It’s OK” and, when asked about it, she said it reflected the last few years of her life. The song was bouncy and haunting at the same time and talked about life and time, especially about accepting the reality of all that goes on in one’s life. When finished, the panel had several questions for her.

I can’t remember all that was said, I wish I could. She let them know the song reflected her constant fight with cancer. When asked about her current status, she revealed the presence of some cancer in her back, liver and possibly lungs. “So… you are not truly OK” said one of the judges in the panel. She looked straight at him, and responded –“it is important that people know you are much more than just the bad things that happen to you”. That was the first quotable comment she had. And by itself, it’s strong enough to impact. But there was more.

She then revealed she had been given a 2% chance of survival. At the “gasp” reaction of the panel and public, she added… “but 2% is not 0%... is much more!”

Wow! Talk about not giving up.

The judges in the panel did not fully understand how someone who is basically condemned to die by an unrelenting illness, could still be so full of smiles and -apparently- peace. So they asked her how could she be radiating so much joy and happiness in the midst of this reality, and she replied…



This comment friends, truly impacted me. Being a CA survivor, I know that attitude is a major part of the battle. But to be able to face life when all seems lost and give your best to remain positive and able to fight on, is a life lesson. Of the highest order. There is much to be learned from this wonderful, vibrant, and truly -in the best sense of the word- alive person.

I can’t add much. Except to say that we can truly be in control, when we decide to be so, of our lives when, and if, we choose to live it to the fullest possible. Not letting circumstances dictate to us how we react.

Have a Wonderful weekend… God Bless… 

REMEMBER to like and follow the page… share it with your friends.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:

·        Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!   

·        Any comments please send to


According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...