Saturday, February 18, 2017

From the Desk of…

I have always liked this header. It seems to imply position or rank. Whether real or self-imposed, is a different story. There were times when, in the process of getting my own letterhead done, I actually thought about plastering this little ditty on the left superior corner. But in the end, it would not be found up there.

Every time I thought about using it, the question would pop… But… But… whatever is coming, is not coming from my desk, is it? When did it learn to send things by itself? Yep, I know… it sounds nonsensical to me too… In fact, this whole thing sounds off the wall to me.

So, let’s get on to another topic. And just how do we do this, I ask? … you may also ask if you truly wish to do so… The real answer is “I’m not sure” but if we keep on writing something is bound to come up. With all mental efforts avoiding the call to be drawn into the political arena… too easy… and too difficult at the same time.

Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head” Lisa Nichols, “The Secret”. Every so often I go back and read a little bit of this compilation book. Perhaps it should be said “re-read” because the book is earmarked in many pages, underlined like a 10th grade school book. It had been a while since my thoughts went in this direction. Today, while cleaning my desk of unwanted excess paper stuff (trying to use less real paper as I go along, using more and more of these virtual pages) there was the book, under a pile of long not-looked-at stuff next to the printer/copier/scanner sitting quietly on the far corner of the desk.  I opened one of the marked pages and there was the passage from Lisa Nichols reminding me that we are and represent, by all measures, the sum of our thinking. And I have to add that I believe this last is but a compendium of all we have seen, lived and become.

The concept behind this book and the myriad of writers who contributed to it is that one is the master of his universe. Well, at least the corner which is included in the immediate surroundings to one self. There are many variables, especially where several of these little universe corners meet and intertwine. Is the stronger wishful thinker going to win the day? Not sure how it works there.

“The Secrets” concept is, at the very least, self-assuring; it leads one’s trending thoughts into a more optimal result. Will it bring on all those things you may wish for? Not by itself. Rather, I think it creates a state of mind which allows the thinker to look at what is going on in his/her life from different perspectives and perhaps, identify a better way of achieving the desired results.

So, in the end… maybe it does function. Or, maybe it helps you identify and do the work that needs to be done in order to achieve your goals or solve a burdensome issue.

Hmmm… food for thought… In the meantime, will continue to weave the ever thinking spinneret…

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora

·       Any comments please send to

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sitting by Wally’s Pond… Yet again

I almost called this entry “one man’s opinion” but the other heading looked better on paper…

We have come to live in a society where a single uttered word can unleash all kinds of Pavlovian gut reactions. “Racist”, “Homophobic”, “Misogyny”, “Fascist”, Etc. The list of these terms is becoming longer every day and the number of those who use, or misuse, these words is also growing. I will concentrate on one specific moniker for the duration of this entry: “Immigrants”. Wait, read on… Don’t go off yet…

It is a topic which awakens feelings; both for and against. Yes, this nation has been built by immigrants but, for the most part and up to the last 10 years or so, these came in a somewhat orderly fashion and following a protocol. As is done in all other countries, we do have to have strong borders; I am also not against a temporary ban to immigrants from countries where the main export is terrorism (under any guise); anyone who commits a punishable crime, should be punished to the extent of the law. If you are a citizen or legal resident, you'll go to jail. If you are an immigrant without papers, you'll be deported. I will also define a “criminal immigrant” as someone who has committed an actual crime not just a person who has no documents.

Then, and I am afraid some of my conservative friends may not agree, there are millions who came and have lived here for 10, 15 and even 20 or more years and who have not been able to get papers. Criminals? Not so sure on that score. Most are church going, working 2-3 jobs at menial or less than menial pay to give their families a head start. Despite their low income, many have filed returns over the years, trying to contribute to the society which grudgingly gave them a place, albeit in its hidden corners.

Millions have, despite their legal handicaps, bought homes, cars, raised families -without asking for gov't help- and even a good number have started very successful businesses which generate millions in taxes & payroll every year and where they have given jobs to untold number of other immigrants and citizens. In many cases, I daresay, they have become better members of society than many US born citizens we have come to know along the way.

I'll go further. Many sons of these "illegal" immigrants have proudly worn the uniform in service to our country and of those, many have paid the ultimate price. Do these folk deserve to be judged without a hearing? I do not think so.

I am an immigrant and have citizen status thanks to the fact that one president saw fit to give a chance to those immigrants who had served during the Viet Nam years. I believe it is time to truly look at these proud and good folk, and judge each by what he/she has done, outside the general hysteria that surrounds this topic.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora

·       Any comments please send to


According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...