Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Never Ending Story…

Each day that goes by is becoming a little more difficult to find the time to sit and write… Other commitments are taking more and more time…

Actually, for the last 10 days, every minute spent on this computer, is being taken away from something else that “just has to be done” and, sometimes, I truly wonder just how crucial is that whichever "just has to be done" thing is… More than not, it is really no more pressing than anything else that wants attention and is competing for the available time.

Ever since this blog was started, it was billed as a “Never Ending Story”, borrowing the concept from the title of a science fiction/fantasy film of the same name, brought out not too long ago. I did see the film; in fact, I saw it a couple of times, coming to like Atreus, the unwilling young hero, quite a bit. The concept of something that never ends is, in itself, a concept that is very attractive and somewhat daunting. It has haunted us mortals ever since the beginning of remembered time. Especially, whenever someone dear has died, or is close to this passing time.

There are those who spouse the idea that this life is all there is; there are those, perhaps a majority, who feel this is but a passing stage in our spiritual growth, preparing us for either another go-round (sort of “do it again, until you get it right!”) or for that promised land of everlasting peace and joy. Yes, Promised Land, for I personally do believe this promise not to refer to an actual piece of land on this earth but, being a figure of speech, it refers to a better world somewhere, in another plane.

Recently, I was involved in a conversation with a couple of young people, one of whom is a Mormon; let’s call her Mary. We were talking about a probable realm in the “ether” somewhere, where spirits roam and where there may be points at which it may be possible to cross from that (or those, for that matter) realm(s) to this physical one. As the conversation progressed along these lines and the third person and I were relating some experiences which truly defy logic or explanation, based on our “logical” mind, Mary became agitated and started to say that this is not possible for, according to her religion, spirits -once gone- are not empowered to come near this physical plane.

Now, I am more than willing to listen to rebuttals and to dissenting opinions to whichever thoughts I may be espousing at any given time. I am not saying that I will change my mind, mind you… but listen to them I will. If the opposing argument is coherent and well presented (and I am not saying mine necessarily are, by the way) my thoughts may be swayed… but not broken. I know… I know… very petty of me!!

 What is very difficult to accept; in fact, is not acceptable to me, is when someone tells me: “this is so because my preacher, deacon, priest, rabbi, minister, imam… etc… said so”. That argument, to me, will hold not a drop of water. Everyone has the right of his/her convictions, but if I base my own convictions solely on those of another human being, I have to accept that these may well be flawed. By historical demonstration we, human beings, are flawed creatures.

The Meakanbut, a nomadic people of Papua New Guinea live in caves, in a remote part of this mountainous, very unforgiving island country. They are known to have been cannibals somewhere along their history… Yet, their handed down sacred history of their beginnings talks about how Api, the Earth Great Spirit who wanted to populate the earth, cracked the floor of the sacred cave Kopao, allowing the people to come out from the darkness below. The people then lived in stone caves, hunting, fishing and living off the land. Life was calm and beautiful. Men and women lived in separate caves until one day, one hunter hid and went into the women’s cave, having sex with one of them. The others, on coming back to camp, sensed that something was wrong. Feelings of hatred, jealousy, anger and sadness were felt for the first time, leading man to bad things… The story goes on… The reason I put it here, is because it is incredibly close to what we are told by biblical stories were the beginnings of men, including Paradise and the fall from grace. Yet, these nomadic people were NOT discovered until the 1960’s, not really allowing for outside influence in their handed down history. Coincidental? You tell me…

Our interpretation of sacred history is just that: interpretation. We are today tenth… fortieth or perhaps further away generational witnesses, living our beliefs through  a related history others have recorded and, at times, re-written along the way. And, PLEASE… I am not saying these beliefs are, or are not, true… if they are true to you, then they are. All I say is that while we listen to whoever has been chosen to be our spiritual leader, we must retain the ability to think, to question and to accept on our own terms of understanding.

The story goes on and, indeed, it never ends.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...