Friday, February 1, 2019

The Simplicity of Being Human.

This title is a little pretentious and so is my thinking that somehow, something may be conjured up that fits the stated concept. And I’ll say it before you think it… true to form, I shall plod ahead and do myself proud in proving me a fool.

It has ben said once and again, and then again… that there are some core elements or topics which will bring out the beast within. This general reaction can’t be controlled either by education or by societal standards, nor by established etiquette.

Politics and Religion. Racial issues and Sports.

When any of these elements is brought into play during a discussion, there’s almost a guarantee there’ll be some fireworks going off. And when two or more of these elements are mixed into a discussion where opposing views are the main catalyst, fireworks easily become an oral and even, a physical altercation.

Now we come to where my concerns rest. This particular election cycle in the US has become, for reasons which are far too extensive to go into here, a major hotbed of name calling, hate, flight of fancy accusations, violence and threats. And this is just the beginning and even though there are culprits on all sides, seems to come mainly from one side of the ideological division line. We can expect the heat to be raised much higher, for we are almost 2 years away from the actual election.

So, in the mix, we already have the political division. Into this, a major dose of religious powder has been added. This is, again, coming mainly from one side (the same one). A religion which is more than simply a religion; it is a socio-economic-political-legal-religion complex which is totally alien to the way of life in our country and society; yet, the more acerbic proponents already here (including two representatives elected in an area where they have become a majority) are telling the rest of us that, in fact, we will have to either become a part of this religion, or else. We can easily and readily see what their idea of “or else” is in those countries where this religion is a majority. And it is not pretty.

Now we come to the race card. Heretofore, this was reserved for the African-Americans to use at their discretion. But apparently it has been so over-used that most (with a few exceptions, all in the same alluded to party) have stopped using it. So, in order to revive its usefulness, it is now being tied to the illegal immigrants this same party wants to force on this country in order to harvest their (illegal) votes. So now, if anyone wants to secure the borders and/or require positive ID to vote, that person is automatically a “racist”. The fact that wanting to have a secure country and fair and transparent elections will work on behalf of citizens of all races and has nothing to do with “racism”, eludes these people. Or maybe not, and it is a studied use of terminology and labels. In any event, the concept of “racism” has been lost to the priority concept of “political expediency”.

So, we come to sports. This should be an easy walk, right? Guess again. Without going into the kneeling, not kneeling issues (I personally kneel for God and stand for the flag… but you knew that) we are now at the doorstep of the Superbowl. Seems that one of the QBs (Tom Brady of the Pats) was or is a friend of the President. That little bit of news has a whole faction in hysterics demanding his removal from the game or calling for him to be brutally maimed by the opposing team. Like in many other aspects, those who yell and scream do so at the urging of a few puppeteers; they just follow suit.

I guess that leaves me no option but to add one more element to this volatile mix we now live in: Blind Stupidity.

Which brings me back to the beginning. The complexity of the human being; the simplicity of the human being. How easily manipulated has the unprepared human mind become.

Just one last rejoinder: don’t take anything at face value. Ask, then ask again.

Be Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Visit
·       Any comments please send to

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...