Friday, July 27, 2012

You Can Fool Some of The People…

You remember how that goes. About some of the time all of the time… etc...

I guess this was perhaps more applicable to a “before the Ethernet” times. Today, most anyone savvy enough to get unto, and manipulate, the social networking scene can actually fool most of the people most of the time. Or for a long enough time to suit his/her purposes.

This year is a prime example of these handlings. Of course… it is an election year. And this election has sort of become an important one for both parts; for the one side, already in power, they must show their standard bearer was not a total fluke or failure.

For the other side, it has become a crusade geared to show exactly that: the current White House occupant should have never been elected to begin with.  Regardless of which concept attracts your like button and, I suppose, your upcoming November vote, you will get these on a daily basis from now until Nov 4th.

There isn’t a moment when I open any one of a number of social networks, that I am not bombarded with the ubiquitous requests to like or dislike this or that. To let someone know –who will then have my computer address for further, more direct bombardments- whether I am or not in agreement with this or that super important issue… usually the most outrageous one that could be found and exaggerated to the max… With me, their time and effort is wasted. I have a rule of thumb which forbids my answering any of these nuisances.

But then, after we come one rung down from the White House… what gives? Recently, Charlie Reese, a long time (49 years qualify?) op-ed writer for the Orlando Sentinel in Florida, decided it was time to hang up the keyboard and retire. He wrote one last piece which he titled: “545 vs. 300,000,000 People”.

The gist of his column is that these 545 elected and/or appointed (as in the Supremes - the Court, that is) servants control the destiny and the daily lives of the other 300,000,000. They do not, once elected, necessarily continue to represent the interests of these constituents; my take is that those interests only come to be acknowledged during election years. Then they go on the shelves. Mr. Reese asks some questions which I will take the liberty to paraphrase and repeat here:

  • If both Dems and Reps are against inflation, high taxes and deficits… how come we have an increasing surplus of each of these?
  • We don’t propose or approve the Federal Budget; The President proposes and the House/Senate approves appropriations.
  • We don’t get to set fiscal policy or write the tax code; the Congress does.
  • The Federal Reserve controls monetary policy and I am sure that, often times, you and I are convinced we can do better.
  • Special interests and lobbyists don’t have legal authority or the ability to coerce. They may offer money but the elected officials have the power to accept or reject this. I guess this does not account for moral and ethical guidelines.
  • Both Dems and Reps Congress People spend a lot of money, energy and time to convince us that nothing is their fault; this is one of the very few true bipartisan endeavors that go on all the time. 
Mr. Reese, after expounding on these sad, but very true issues, goes on to say that he does not see one single domestic problem that cannot be traced directly back to these 545 people. They stand convicted as guilty of sheer ineptitude, incompetence and irresponsibility. What we have and live with is what they wish us to have and live with. They must be held accountable for the state of the Union because they are responsible for this. And of our declining lifestyles. While theirs improves in all aspects, including a special retirement program which will give them more that you or I will ever see; guaranteed.

I will pose this question to you: If you owned a business, and a group of employees were constantly underperforming, what would you, as manager/owner, do?  I know what I would do… Fire the lot!!

Well, these 545 elected characters (including the top guy) ARE our employees. We put them there; we can take them right out, assuming we have the courage to do so.

Up to you… This is an election year, remember?

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar. 

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...