Friday, April 5, 2013

A Joy to Behold and to Hear…

“And what is left for you to see on this life?” was the last question asked by the show’s host of his guest, dissident Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez… -“to see my country free of this tyrannical government” came the quick, unbridled answer…

If you are a regular reader, a few entries ago there was mention of a lady who practices patriotism of the highest kind: the one which is done from within the bowels of the enemy… while your knees shake in fear. She has managed, over the last 7 years or so, to produce a blog which is now read by over 12million people a month, in some 40 countries of the world and which is translated into 14 languages.

This was my first time with her; the anticipated moment when I would be able to actually watch and listen to this lady whose blog entries have been a guiding light to the realities of that beautiful country I left behind so many years ago; a country which is fast disappearing in the mists of time, fleeting threads of memories hanging on like a slowly shredding banner daring the wind from a worn out mast.

What would she be like? … What would she say?  Would she be baring her soul or knowing that the enemy would be faced again in less than 4 weeks, would she be holding back?

The conversation began… on the one side, was Jaime Bayly, a well known host and very intelligent questioner. On his asset list, is being a rabid defender of the right to think and to express thoughts… an enemy of any tyrannical government… On the other side of the desk, sat Yoani Sanchez; an equally strong proponent of the right to be…

She answered questions, spoke about her fears and about her life. She spoke about being able to meet people, especially that other branch of the family who has been away for so many years and, without whom, there could never be a fully realized Cuba. She spoke about the difficulties of managing her blog and about how many people around the world were giving of their time and efforts to see it realized.

Bayly asked about her being afraid, living right there at the mercy of those who so wanted to see her work silenced, her thoughts destroyed and forgotten, the quiet voice that brings to life the day to day misery of her countrymen. But she is not about to let this happen. Not voluntarily, anyway.

Answering Bayly’s questions and comments, she was candid, transparent.  -“Yes, I am afraid… Of course!!”… “My knees shake at times but I can’t stop doing what I have to do, what I feel compelled to do” -“Have you been threatened?” he asked… “Threatened, beaten, jailed…” she quietly answered, with a wistful look in her eyes.

She was in awe and wonder of how many people wanted to meet her, to speak and embrace her… Some, I’m sure, to bask in her glory while trying to hold on and even revive their own fading colors… She was determined to bring her message across without hyperbole, without the usual nasty comments, so common to many… without screams… and she managed to do just so.

A clear, orderly thinker with clear and complete answers. I saw and heard a person who, while being afraid of very real potential reprisals, continues to raise her voice to denounce the tyrannical government of her country; my own birth country. Who is determined to do her utmost to bring a change about with her words and convictions. And with those of a generation of Cubans who are beginning to –thanks in part to her example- lose a bit of the immobilizing fear in which their minds had been compartmentalized.

-“In the Cuba of my dreams, the President would only be one high ranking administrator… not a self named leader” –“Everyone would have a job to do; everyone would have the right to do it, a right to have a decent life and to think, to talk” –“No, please, I don’t want that” she quickly answered to Bayly’s suggestion of her potential candidacy to a Presidency. –“I’m not good at that stuff… I want to run a major newspaper and rejoice in the freedom to publish whatever needs to be shouted to the world”.

I watched her and a few words came to my mind, in trying to describe this person; a young, unassuming mother, wife and True Patriot… Quiet Inner Strength. And then, something else came to mind also…

When people like this woman can exist, despite all the efforts to silence her from the powers that be, there is definite hope for the future of that beautiful, Caribbean island I called home in my childhood years. Many blessings and, more than this, much support to her in her war of words…

Blog …    ---    ”Twitter” @yoanisanchez

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...