Monday, October 1, 2018

The Chaff and the Wheat; Sept 2018

Some days we simply get up and “the” mind is in a fog. Today is one such day. We’ll see what falls on this page.
In those moments when there is nothing much to do or to think about, I tend to reminisce about the long passing of the years. Childhood, youthhood (huh??), adulthood, and eventually oldhood (another -huh??- please?).

Sometimes these thoughts are full of wonderment about how we, tiny humans as we are, manage to survive many obstacles and improbabilities. There is no certain answer to this, but I do believe in the human capacity to survive, when the choice is made to do so. In talking with a friend about this, he asked whether I had ever been to a “motivational seminar”. The answer is no, I have not participated but have listened to and watched some of those gung-ho servings of adrenalin which come under the title “Motivational”, subtitle “send me your money”.

I have to bring up the unasked question: Can we really go to a seminar for a few days and, along with another thousand folks present, expect to totally change our lives around?

Yes, these gatherings will uplift your spirits and will -at least temporarily- awaken in you the dormant “lion” asleep inside. The music, the jumping, the screaming, the constant prodding by the staff people disseminated throughout the gathering; some identifiable and some incognito. Their, and their leader’s job, is to make sure you participate to the fullest. When closing day comes, you’ll swear this is the greatest, your life is changed, forever. You’ll never be the same average chump you always were. You now have a dream, a horizon, a goal. Your money was well spent … You’re gonna kill’em!!!

Then you go back home. To the same place, with the same people, the same job, and the same clouds… all patiently waiting for you to come back. That huge silver lining suddenly becomes a “sliver of a glimmer”.

Am I being negative? Even if my comments sound sarcastic, no, not really. Because this is the moment when the chaff is separated from the wheat. When the human element, that unknown quality or quantity comes into play.

I look at the complex human body as a living computer with the mind creating the shifting algorithms which make that computer function. Not the brain. The mind. The brain has the distinction to serve as the command center for the mind.

All of us have the capacity to react to outside stimuli. And we do. How we react, however, is the result of our cumulative capacity to create a response pattern. We achieve this response capacity by our accumulated experiences, including prior response patterns developed along the way. As humans, we become creatures of habit. Culture, childhood teachings, convenience, security, comfort zone, envelope … call it by any name you want, these all reflect an ingrained degree of fear of the unknown. Of real change.

The chaff and the wheat previously mentioned? It has already been said that it is only a fool who continues to behave in the same manner, while expecting a different result. Those whose minds choose to alter the functioning algorithms to rise above that perceived fear; to change and face the relative unknown in a manner different than what was “always done”, while knowing there are no guarantees, become the golden wheat. Those who don't? They become the chaff; the ones who witness and who complain about someone else's success, but who are ever unwilling to assume the risk of being different.

“Being all that you can be” An oft repeated sentence, an expression of wishful thinking. Perhaps a bit “trite” but, nonetheless, true. It’s not about money, it’s about the individual potential. Most of us don’t reach that plateau in life, of being all each one can be, yet all of us do have the potential to choose to do so. To at least  try.

Where do you fall?

Be Well … Be Back!!!
Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
·       Visit
·       Any comments please send to

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...