Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I am now, like most people around me, going into a forced second week of quarantine. And, like them, this gives me ample time to sit, think, project into the future, create a new life experience … or not.

We have already painted a few walls (not too well, I’m afraid…), done the grass a couple of times, tended the garden, downloaded half of the universe’s music, re-arranged a lot of files in the computer, changed some paintings around, “discovered” several shows on Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, read some books for the second or third time, managed not to argue (too much) with my other half, and are close to running out of things to do… and there are still one or two weeks to go.

On a more serious thinking process, what is totally a human issue has quickly been converted into a political game of “my junk is bigger than yours”. With total disregard, by some parts, as to the damage this will do to those who are directly affected by this situation. Which is practically 80% of the population. This man-made plague will come to pass (as all others have) and then, these people should be called to account for their frank abuse of position and power at a time when this is totally uncalled for.

There is an amount of fear being induced in the public by the press and by several public figures. This fear has been taken to extremes (my thoughts, perhaps not yours…) never seen before in this country, and people have responded accordingly. Businesses closed, economy in shambles (an economy that had been moving forward much too well for some factions’ liking) and, from the best unemployment records in the modern history of our country, we went to millions of people out of work. Too much orchestration, too many created interests involved in this process, which may indicate a defined and structured goal in mind. And, I do believe, this goal has nothing to do with the well-being of our country or its citizens. It is a political goal. A political game, where the end appears to justify all means.

Do I mean to infer this virus is not dangerous? Not at all. Any virus, whether nature or man made must be taken seriously. And this one has shown it can attack any and all and, in many cases, deal a mortal blow to people who are already suffering from other underlying issues, or are older and unable to muster enough self-defenses to prevail. Do we need to take precautions? Very definitely yes. Do we need to run and hide under the bed until this issue blows over? No. There must be a middle ground where we can continue to exist and work, while taking needed precautions, especially with older or already ill folks.

In perspective, the 2009-10 Swine Flu was responsible for almost 600,000 deaths worldwide (as of today, 44,000 deaths reported worldwide from the COVID19 virus). In the US, over 60 million people were infected and over 12,000 died as a result (these are CDC stats, not mine). According to the very Dr. Faucy (head of task force) in his latest conference, this virus will not reach Swine flu numbers (thank God for that) and yet despite a very late start by the then govt in declaring an emergency, no businesses were closed and people went about life following due precautions. As a side note as well, common influenza (flu) manages to kill from 25,000 to 35,000 people every yearly season in the US alone.

I am not a political or medical pundit. All I have is an accumulation of experience given to me by almost three quarters of a century of living. And of having seen and survived much during this span of time, which in turn has taught me not to believe much at face value. This somewhat jaded experience tells me there are several divergent points of information surrounding this extending panic scenario, which do not quite make total sense.

Time will tell. In a way, I hope I am wrong in what I am thinking by extension. If it turns out I am not, it means that there are a number of powerful people in this country who’d rather see it and the people in it suffer and possibly die, than have it be out of their control.

And that, my friends, is truly a terrifying thought.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
·       Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!   
·       Any comments please send to

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...