Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Friend in Need …

Often, in moments of trial… a friend shows up where least expected. And not always of the two legged kind… A semi lost soul can then get enough fuel to ready his (or her) wits and go on...

Whenever I go mentally back to the period of time when my worldly possessions and space were ensconced into a Miami used car dealership, the image is not a totally pleasant one. Yet I remember that after everyone left and I closed the gates and retreated into the main office, my home for the night, there seemed to be peace and tranquility. My eventual companion in this place was a somewhat overrated guard dog named “Campeón”… Spanish for “Champion”. No doubt an attempt by the owner to give this poor animal a grander self image to compensate for an otherwise dreary existence.

Campeon looked a bit like this fellow.
Champ was a black and white mixed Collie breed, taller than average, gangly and with a loud growling bark. Different spots dotted his (Yes, I know it was not a “he” but an “it”… yet, he was a good companion at a time one was sorely needed) body and he was quite distrustful of most any one around. The Good Lord knows he had his reasons... But he and I came to get along well, especially after all others would leave. That was his time to roam free of his daytime cage (an open store room); the time when he became the king of the territory, all the therein contained cars and my person his charges to defend and protect.

After making his initial “rounds” (that means running all over, barking at anyone or “thing” that came close to the fence and leaving his boundaries marked for all to know of his rights) he would then come to me and lean his head on my lap, looking up into my eyes as if saying…
-“Ok… that’s done… now what?”

If you think this was an idle question… don’t.  If at that point I tried to move, he would lean heavily against me and insist on being treated as an equal, demanding an answer. All the time wagging his tail, but firmly in control.

We did become friends of a sort… I would visit his day home to bring him food and he would acknowledge me without committing to any previous understandings. He knew his time to roam was not yet come. However, when closing time came and I went to him, he would then wait for me by the door… he knew there would be freedom from his confinement as soon as I opened it. Sure enough… the door would swing open and Champ would jump out, bounding and barking for all who would care to listen, letting them know that he now came into his time, when he ruled.

We shared some two months worth of nights… There were times during those days when he would manage to escape his “hotel room” if someone would open the door to get a spare part or such and then, all hell would break lose. Not because he was really a menace to anyone, but mainly to himself. The dealership was next to a very busy main avenue and we had to get him before he got there… if we didn't  he might not survive…

One time he got away and became lost… to us, anyway… we didn't see him for three days and thought he was gone for good. Then, one morning, we heard a familiar loud bark… it was coming from a few doors down the street. It turns out there was a lovely young lady (of the dog variety) and Champ decided it would be a neighborly thing to visit and pay his respects… until the young lady’s owner decided he had enough and sent him out… without much ceremony. He then came back to us… I have to say he had been missed, especially at night, after all humans were gone.

We had our ups and downs in those days; but in the midst of these he helped me forget about my issues for hours at a time and I cannot thank him enough for this. It was an undemanding friendship born of need on both parts; he needed a human to pet him and reassure him he was OK… this human needed a companion to let him know that there was love still to be had and companionship to be shared. It worked.

Eventually, my time to go came… I left Miami and headed north to Charlotte, to my brother’s home where a refuge was found and a start on the road to physical as well as emotional recovery was initiated. I never saw Campeón again; I know now he is no longer of this earth… I’m sure he has gone to whatever dogie heaven there might be, for he earned the right. However, his memory stays in my heart, for those nights would have been much longer and very lonely and those times much more difficult to confront had it not been for his company.

Godspeed friend…

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...