Wednesday, January 9, 2013


According to my friendly Thesaurus: “Pause… Break… Interruption… Gap… Space… Lull… Interval… Time Away… and finally, my favorite… A Separation Between Vowels”

In other words… this entry is not about the continuance of my discovery and subsequent argument with the cancer which came uninvited into my life… Frankly, I am not sure about what this entry will be; it is one of those times when I am sitting down to write just for the sake of writing and to find anew the discipline of doing so. Like everything else in life, it is an easy step into disrupting an established routine… and a very hard journey to regain it.

This logo means assistance to the Veterans
Yesterday I went to the doctor at the VA Clinic here in town. This has been a life saver for me since, without them, I could have accomplished much less during these past years. This reflection, however, is not about me or my issues. It is more about those people whom I get to see every time I go there and whose life has become in many cases a shadow of a possibility because they, at one time or another, chose to answer the call of duty as defined by their government. Sometimes in disagreement with the reasons for this duty but they went on nonetheless.

Several of those men and women are in wheelchairs, unable to move well or at all. Many of these folk would be still in a productive stage of their lives since they are below the age of 60 or even 50 years of age.  Others walk taking tentative step by tentative step as they lean heavily on a cane in order to support their faltering ways; yet others help themselves of any number of physical aids in order to function. Many come accompanied by members of their family, spouse or other, to help them along.

A very depressing environment, you are no doubt thinking by now. Yet, far from being so, these former servicemen all share a common sense of having served, of having done what each one of them thinks is, or was, the minimal responsibility of all who live in this great country. For this reason there is pride in their eyes, and there is pride in those small, aided steps and in knowing that the supposed cost of whatever health services are being provided for them, has been prepaid in full… with room to spare.

Many years ago I wore a uniform. Folk who have come to this country after the draft (obligatory service) was written off, are sometimes surprised to find out that an immigrant actually chose to wear this uniform. Perhaps they were different times, perhaps we thought differently. I know that of those with whom I shared my Richland years, at least 5 of 8 went into the service. Some by draft, others voluntarily. At least 2 repeated their commitment and stayed for longer periods than originally intended.

For me, it was a relatively simple issue: This was not my country of birth yet, it had opened its doors and the hearts of its people to give me what my own country could not, or would not provide for me. There were no doubts in my mind as to whether I should serve or not.  Today, I see far too many immigrants who also came here to find what they could not find at home but who are not willing to serve this country in simple ways, much less  put on a uniform. Instead, I hear complaints of all they do not have, while enjoying many more of those very things which would simply not be available for them back home.

After sharing a day of doctor visits and somewhat idle chit chat with some of these very courageous servicemen, my tolerance for easy and free complaints is very low.  Nonexistent you might say. Especially when directed at those who put their lives and limbs on the line to, in many cases, facilitate others’ opportunities in this country of ours. While forfeiting their own.

As a veteran, I salute these people. And yes, why not… I also walk with a look of pride and accomplishment in my eyes and an equal feeling in my heart every time I get to share some moments with some of these wonderful, funny and full of memories servicemen and servicewomen.

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...