Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Forgotten Ones…

For all the right reasons, these past few posts have mainly focused on one of the issues which are part of our society, addiction. It, the disease, does not care what the “drug of choice” may be… whether a boutique item or a lowly glass of moonshine; all that matters is that this insidious process takes over the body and mind of an individual and never lets go…

In the end when a living, breathing, thinking person becomes an addict, this individual has made a choice to allow his/her mind and body to be invaded... Yes, I DO understand this is a very simplistic version of the process and that there may be an infinite number of given reasons and circumstances for a person to go this route … but I still will say that at some given point during this downward spiral, a conscious (or non-conscious) decision  is made not to care anymore. Then all possible reasons become nothing but excuses to continue the freefall.

Some will eventually battle back and we are extremely grateful that our son was one of these who chose to regain his life’s reins. However, a good number (we met many during our son’s treatments) will never even take that first step and admit there is a problem and most, even when going through the process, will fail and allow the addiction to again, rule their lives.  These last go through the rehabilitation process and then usually go back into the very lifestyle and “friends” which originally facilitated and enabled the disease. If there is enough money, there are those who will come back every so often in order to “dry out”… repeating the cycle over and again…

In being an addict, a woman who becomes pregnant will give birth to a baby who comes into the world already marked for suffering and, quite possibly, an early death. There are hundreds of thousands of babies who fit this bill on a yearly basis … just go to any hospital in most any major urban area where there are special wards for these children who, in their often short life, go through more physical suffering than most people do in a lifetime. An AIDS carrying mother (albeit someone who may have been infected through outside means such as a medical proceeding or innocent cut that may become the doorway for the disease) will very often pass on to her child this virus. We have no “vaccine” as of yet to prevent this. These children come in genetically imprinted and, if a female, will be an HIV carrier and possible sufferer of AIDS and if male, will most likely develop the illness.

In going back a couple of paragraphs; adults who choose a life path which will allow either of these diseases (or others like them) to come into their lives, do so of their own free actions; there is no mention of “Free Will”, for by this time the will is usually no longer free… Again, I am being simplistic but you know this is basically true. An adult who having a disease which will affect an unborn baby chooses to become impregnated or chooses to impregnate someone, and do so without even the most minimal precautions, is committing a double crime.

One is destroying his/her own life. This, some will say, is a free choice in one’s own life. An adult who chooses to bring to the world a child already condemned at conception, will be facing another type of crime. Unfortunately, there are no laws against this; I think this, as a legal and ethical/moral issue, should be approached by others who know far more than I do. My only knowledge comes from having seen the dire consequences of these unthinking actions. But in having seen first hand the physical suffering these babies go though, I will say this is a crime against nature, against life itself.

Do I have an answer? Probably whatever would be said at this time most likely would be considered Neanderthal like … there is no place in these topics for the so called “political correctness” … In fact, there is little place for this concept in my mind; when something is blue, blue it should be called, not “heavenly shade of blue with overtones of light purple”. We, as a people, should look at where our monies are going. We (this is The Royal We, you do understand) are very willing to spend tons of money to help people in other countries considered to have lesser resources. Well and good, this should be so. However, based on the latter statistics, our own countryside is being littered with folks who have lost everything, including the will to look forward.

Yes, there are programs for the enlightenment of our young adults; those who are most likely to become addicts or victims of HIV/AIDS in their latter times, especially if coming from marginal pockets of our society. But these do nothing to prevent the circumstances which seed the issues like the ones we are discussing (unevenly, I do accept) here. I think when it comes time to give out help (meaningful help, like restructuring a life, not just handing out money) our own needy people should be at the head of the receiving line.

We have welfare programs and these, when properly used, will help a family in need. Yet, the social structures within which the current programs function, often do little more than actually propagate the ills, rather than combat them. There needs to be a true review of what it is that a family needs; there must be a reduction in the bureaucratic process through which many are forced to stumble and, most definitely, there must be a  guardian figure that insures the proceeds are being actually used to benefit those who are most in need. Much like the economic woes of the country (and the world at large) the root of the problem must be burnt out; excess baggage must be eliminated and the working process has to be of such nature that the (limited) means available are put to work where they are needed the most.

But then, we are living in a society which spends billions of vanity $$$ in eliminating “age looks” (as if this could really be done!!) but is unwilling to spend a fraction of this in support of a better school system, with better teachers… When we say “The Forgotten Ones” at the beginning of this post, we refer to those children who suffer as born addicts or HIV/AIDS carrier/sufferers… However, the worst possible disease and biggest disadvantage we can inflict on our own children, may well be born from our own unwillingness to demand a better education system for our upcoming generations… and pay for it. This, I believe, would begin the process of eradicating some of the more encrusted ills, arising from a general lack of  knowledge about basic life management. Will it cure all? Definitely not … but if we can, in future generations, save 25-30% of those who are now condemned to repeat these horrific cycles, it will be money well spent.

Enough for Now!!! … I’m jumping off the soapbox.

Be well … Be Back!!    

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Any comments please send to; it comes directly to me. I promise to read all coming messages, and answer as many as I can.
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...