Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Untitled … Follow up …

There are some entries which elicit an “Aw … Shucks…” kind of reaction. Nice to read and warm fuzzy memories to enjoy. There are other entries which seem to touch a primal chord somewhere deep in the reader.

In tracking readers’ preferences, some of the entries become obvious leaders. One post, Noetic Sciences, had the most reader hits over the last 13 months. Surprisingly enough… our friend Cheito has leapfrogged to the front. Perhaps is the Hialeah following which has made him so popular?  I can only see Felicita and Cachita reading “thees ting” … and asking Cheíto … “Oye Cheíto, m’ijo … Juat’s a Blob?” Hmmm!!  He just called me yesterday and will probably be doing some more writing (never know about what!!) soon. 

Yet, what could be more different than Cheito and Noetic Sciences? Perhaps, at the core, they are not so far apart. Noetic Sciences discusses parallel universes, spiritual communication, and promotes an understanding of universal probabilities. Cheíto, on the other hand lives in Hialeah, a recognized parallel world, communicates with the spirits every Saturday afternoon and truly understands and stretches the probabilities of the unique universe in which he exists.  And he does this in a very human way … As I said … How different can it be???  But he reigns supreme as a reader’s choice… I am beginning to worry about you folks!!

Obviously, during these past couple of weeks, your reaction to what happened in our family was very strong, and I do thank you for your comments and your reaching out to me. Your comments and mails are received, read and answered. Well, most of them … some, as the ones which follow, go into neverland’s bin…

This brings me to Mr. Thiery, somewhere in Nigeria (wow!! talk about parallel worlds!!). This … gentleman, along with a growing number of others, seems to be determined to have me receive anywhere from 2.5 to 7.3 million USD$$. Apparently, some poor soul died after depositing the referenced amount (which goes to tell … don’t deposit this much if you want to live… seems to be a catchy thing!) in an account with  no beneficiaries and all the letter writers find themselves in the unique position of being the “caretakers” who cannot touch the money… Soooo … we need your help Dear Sir, after we chose you for your kind and honest nature (never met the person… must be the virtual aura) so that we can all enjoy this… If you send us all your confidential personal information (so we can then steal you ID) and a small shipping fee (anywhere from 75 to 325 USD) we will get this to you in cash and it will easily pass customs because we, of course, enjoy diplomatic immunity!!  We only trust that you will be so kind as to deposit, once you receive the funds, a small % in an account we will provide for you. A little compensation for bringing this to you…  You are probably snickering by now, and well you should be … yet, there are millions of greedy sods who otherwise might be sensible, but who have fallen for this little scheme. Ahhh! … The virtual world of internet!!! … A parallel world indeed!!

Yesterday’s entry was started, as many are, with a blank mind and screen. It has become a habit not to “plan ahead” as far as being defined in whatever it is that will be written at any given time. Yes folks, there is a number of topics and memories which have found their way into a little laundry list of sorts, but being there will not guarantee their being written about. Just a back up of sorts … you know … mental stability and security blankets and all that …

Well, as it was, yesterday’s post started to flitter around a subject which had been discussed with my son on more than one occasion. He did show much interest in pursuing this possibility when the time came to do it and had even accepted going back to school to add the academic diploma to his already earned hard knocks and perseverance diploma … He had even looked up which county college offered the required courses… understanding the ironic mind set that will not permit many folks to pay attention to someone who doesn’t have the little piece of paper from a college … no matter how well and how successfully qualified he/she may already be, having survived with flying colors life’s very demanding curriculum. On one thing we wholeheartedly agreed … Without the painful personal experience, a counselor would be talking into the wind, for there would be no credibility at the reception end. In fact, all the counselors I have met along the way and who have been successful in bringing others around to the good side of the ledger, are themselves addicts in recovery. God bless them for the incredible work they do!!

This particular entry has already received many reads; I am happy for this. it has also elicited several notes from addicts in recovery and from plain folks, comments and emails ( and they all come together on this issue. Rare moment of agreement, this … I chose one particular note and have taken the liberty (after notifying the writer) to excerpt a portion of the note received. Why? Because I have known this particular person for years and I know the life path travelled, the suffering and the pain lived. This note was prompted by yesterday’s entry and, folks, this is what these posts are all about…

 “… soo true! But you can only do it unless you have traveled the road to hell ‘n by the grace of God, you have made it back. I was there for many years in ‘n out of 14 rehabs/treatment centers and sure they give you all the tools, etc. But the bottom line is that, once you cross that line ‘n become an addict, your life changes for the rest of your time here. You are different, you live not only a day at a time … sometimes a minute at a time. Your psychological/physical/social structure(s) have changed and you are not normal like the rest of the world; only you know your limits … you are in the red zone forever … can't even be around where others are drinking because then you are already opening the door to the relapse, even if alcohol was not your drug of choice … it’s a miserable hell! I have been sober for 6 years and I thank God for every minute, but I will carry that cross for the rest of my life, one day at a time!”

I love this person for many reasons; I know also through what my son lived that every minute, every hour, and every day without succumbing to the addiction again, is a major battle won, at a constant price… All I can say is that faith is paramount in this arena of life; yet, the acceptance of the reality of the addiction, the internal strength and the will to continue and not to make your life a personal defeat, count for an immense part of any success to be had. This character strength and will are, however, only acquired after meeting and beating back your own personal demons, head on. Here is where a well trained and personally experienced counselor can help guide an individual through the process … NO ONE can do it for the addict … this is a battle to be won inside the person’s own mind and body.

“Eric’s Dream” will become a reality … Amen!!!

Be well … Be Back!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...