Friday, July 22, 2011

Jack in the (otherwordly) Box.

Remember an entry several months ago? A “postcard” from my childhood called “Black and White?” I re-read it this morning and, as this was being done, a very strong, unidentifiable feeling came over me. There was one time (of some 6-7 times I witnessed one of these sessions) when an unwanted visitor came through the young medium and it became a “search and rescue” operation for the mother and the sisters, just to get to the core of the medium and bring her back.  This is what I remember…

We, my grandfather and I, had come again to visit this family of “sensitives” who would act as portals to other entities who wished to communicate with this physical plane. This was my 6th or 7th visit and, because of what transpired, would be my last. My memories are fairly clear, even being this an event that took place some 58 years ago.

It was a summer afternoon, the sun out and clear, a soft breeze coming in from the bay. My grandfather had come by the house where he knew I would be, in order to take me with him to visit our friends. We had gone there several times before and I had witnessed some sessions where entities had made an appearance through the medium. I know… this is not believed by many but, remember: this is the culture in which I was brought up as a child into my early teens, and these issues are a part of it. I cannot vouch for what is real and what is not, only for what I witnessed, within the realm of my understanding at the time. No electronic gadgetries present; four white walls with no visible ornaments, high ceilings and uncovered gray-almost white- marble floors where nothing could be hidden. Also, a plain wood table painted white; not even a table cloth which could hide a gimmick. At the time, this was simply registered in my subconscious; it is only while recounting the happenings that the importance of these observations is understood.

As always, we had some coffee and the white jasmine flowers he had brought were placed at the center of the table; not in a vase, the flowers were simply put on the tabletop. The session started with comments from the mother and “Traffic Director”, and the medium‘s head dropped, as in a light sleep. I had never paid much attention to the messages; I was more interested in the proceedings and this time it was no different, at least for a while. About 6 minutes into the session, her head snapped up, her mouth open in a snarl like position with teeth showing, and her eyes wide open with a furious glare coming out of them; almost fire like. Immediately, I realized this was not in the regular “script” and the mother’s reaction confirmed this thought. While a very deep growling like voice was uttering unintelligible, but loud mutterings, the mother jumped to her side and with the other sisters around her for support, grabbed her daughter’s head in both hands and started an undulating chanting which grew in strength and volume.  This went on for some 15 minutes or more, I do not recall exactly how long. At some point, all the family women put their hands on the head of the medium and a wave of strength came through; I actually felt it much like a water wave when at the beach, except this one went through me, not over me. A few moments later, the sister came out of her trance like presence, and was carried off to her bedroom where, being totally wasted, she went to sleep.

Over the years since, I have read many stories and many studies regarding these types of paranormal issues. Also, in my travels I have been able to discuss these with several learned folk in different parts of the world. Mostly trying to find some sort of explanation for what I saw, heard and felt during those sessions and, especially, that last one; also to try and understand other happenings throughout the years. To say that moment years ago was terrifying, would be an understatement; whatever came through for those few moments, was a defined and felt evil presence; who or what it was, I have no idea.

There have been, over the years, moments during which a very strong presence has been felt by me, as well as others physically near me at the time. In these instances, I have not felt threatened on the contrary, a very warm inner glow, almost a reassurance, has been felt. I have no control over these happenings; in fact, it has been a while since such a defined, almost physical touch has been felt and, actually, I have missed it at times.

Are there planes of energy, other than the one we inhabit? Can their “inhabitants” really cross into one another’s realm and become manifest? Can we identify them as “positive” or “negative”? During my infancy I was exposed to many instances of “irregular” behaviors; not only of people, but of circumstances and environments around me. Can these be explained away? No, they cannot. It would be just too easy and convenient to say “these things do not happen”, because they did, and still do. Do I understand what goes on when something “strange” has happened? Not fully; it is beyond my logical sensing ability. But this does not mean these instances are “non-happenings”, it just means they are not fully understood or explainable by means of regular, day to day reasoning.

Also, too many charlatans make a living preying on innocent folks who want to “touch someone” who is gone. This is simply not dialing a phone number and getting dear old departed Uncle Joe; the medium of my childhood never knew who, or what, would show up. I am sure that most of these folk who charge for a session of communication would drop one in their pants if they actually communicated with an energy force from another plane.

I am not sure as to how to wrap up this entry. This field is just too large and too little understood. Most will shrug it away; but I simply cannot. I have been witness to too many “irregularities” as a child and as an adult to simply ignore and hide the concept under a rug. I will continue to read and to try to understand; in the meantime, there will be one or two more occurrences which will make it into this blog at some point.

Another postcard from the past… a little darker in color and with very frayed edges…

Be Well… Be Back!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...