Friday, January 6, 2012

“The Era of The Free Gift”

There was a time during which, when a gift was offered, we could trustfully assume it was free. 
The marketing machinery which seems to control our daily lives in this, the Mecca of the Buyer (although somewhat tarnished lately), can’t let a couple of days pass without creating some hyperbole that puts to shame whatever older hyperbole was being proclaimed as the best, just a couple of days before. What really puts us all to shame is the fact that we buy it; “it” being whatever is promulgated as the very best… at least for the immediate moment.

After having spent most of my adult life (and those are a good number of years --- don’t ask how many!!) selling tangibles and intangibles to thousands of buyers, and of also training several thousand salespeople who were then sent on to conquer the insurance buying public, it becomes fascinating to hear the different commercials and see or listen to the very careful wording used to convey the same messages as before, but now in a different and fresher manner. Oh yes… “Fresher” can be understood to mean “with more hidden and less easily decipherable messages” than before.

Some years ago, the concept of the “Free Gift” started to show up on screaming offers received during the midnight “infomercials” (Another term coined by the marketing and sales Gurus)… you know, those shows where all the stuff you wouldn’t buy if you had an honest chance to see and examine it up close, is peddled off to trusting folk who cannot sleep and because of this, have half functioning minds with which to register the messages being received.

Did you ever come to wonder how a product with an “original” price of $89.99 can be sold for $19.99? With the usual follow up of: BUT WAIT!!! IF YOU CALL NOW WE WILL SEND YOU… NOT ONE… NOT TWO… BUT THREE (fill in the name of the product here) for just $19.99!!! … and, yes, just pay the “S&H” costs on each item

Now Folks… what did it really cost to make this product and what kind of quality will it have, when they can sell it for less than 10% of the original cost and, we assume,  still giving the seller enough to cover the show production costs and allowing for a decent profit? Yes, I know… the cost of the also infamous “S&H”, otherwise known as “shipping and handling” which gets tagged on will cover some, since these are usually jacked up considerably but, still…

The truth is that we love to buy in our society. We will buy what we want, long before we buy what we need. This is not me talking people… these are well known facts that anyone who has spent time in the sales world knows: create a want, your prospect will most likely buy; however, identify a need and they will turn away in most instances. Logic does not enter the picture here…   

Those who make a living in the marketing wars know this, and know it well. This is why over the years, these wants to buy have been almost genetically engineered into our subconscious through massive, constant campaigns which literally, begin at the cradle… the best school, the best clothes, the best toys (and these are getting very expensive lately); you want to always remain young, you always must have more than your neighbor, your house has to be the biggest, the best of the neighborhood; your car has to be the newest and most expensive… you get it… you hear these messages every day.

Perhaps, ironically, this is why one of the fastest rising businesses with which we now are constantly being bombarded on the tube, is precisely that of how to  eliminate excessive credit card debts… .

But we always want that “Free Gift”, Right? Recently, I called the number for one of those miracle collagen pills which are heavily advertised in the Hispanic market TV programs. In their pitch, the offer of a “free” 3 month supply (just pay the S&H…) is constantly made so I called, as an exercise in marketing. The lady from the phone “war” room answered and immediately, without taking a breath, launched into a “marvelous” offer in which, for only $169.99, my wife and I would receive five a month supply of this wonderful miracle pill. So, immediately, the “free offer” became a probable $189.99 expense (including S&H, of course).

When I continued to ask for access to the pitched “free offer”, then the lady on the phone became somewhat agitated and started to say things like “Why don’t you want to take advantage of this offer?” My answer... “Because I want to try the product first” Long and short: I was told I would be called back by the lady in charge of these offers… I’m still waiting for the call. A while after this conversation took place I had a visit with my Doctor and asked her about this. Her answer: These are proteins and, as far as we know, proteins are not absorbed through the digestive system. So… while there should be no adverse effects, I really can’t see how this can be useful… ‘nuff said??

We will continue to buy, no matter what… We will continue to believe what we see on TV, presented by TV hucksters, no matter what… Perhaps this is why we also choose political leaders based on their TV image, rather than on whatever substance (or lack of) they may bring to the table. We are, as a consumer nation, fast losing the ability to question issues and to look beyond what appears to be.

Perhaps the next great offer will be “Double Free Gift… with guaranteed refunds…”  Who knows… 

Just in case, watch out... in today's world we do have to open the equine's mouth and count the teeth... even when received as a "free" gift.
Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs). If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...