Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Short Entry.

It has been a long day, covering for my own ESL classes as well as for those of two teachers… one with the flu and one with issues to resolve.

There is little to really discuss today, but the habit of sitting at the computer and grinding out even a little bit to post, has become ingrained. It is like doing physical exercises. In the beginning, it hurts like hell but, after you get used to it… then you can’t stop doing it. I understand it has to do with the same mechanisms that create addiction, except this one has a natural high to go with it, not a chemically induced one. This is what happens when I know there are a growing number of folk who will take the time and trouble to look these entries up and actually read them… Can’t let you down… Thanks!

I had several classes today; in fact, over 9 hours worth. Each group has its own needs, for the levels are all different. In fact, within each group there are usually at least two-three different levels. Even when this becomes a headache for the teacher, we must accept the fact that those who come at 8am, after going to bed at 2-3am due to late work hours, can and will get all the teaching they can handle. It is the least we can do to respond to their determination to learn. Goes to show… there is work to be had and there are opportunities to get ahead. Just that these will not come served on a silver platter, but have to be pursued with plain ol’ slippers. You want it?... Go get it!!

Primaries are taking the time of day, within the political news. Nothing new here, for it is that time of the quadrennial and we will be subjected to all the usual promises and premises. Nothing new there either. In the end, it will come to either voting for the in-house resident, or getting him out if you do not agree with what has been done, or not done. My only holdback is that I can’t vote against someone just for the sake of voting against him (sorely tempted to do just this, though!!) when the options being given as the alternative(s) are not that great. Let’s see how the horizon shapes up between now and November but, one thing is sure: Vote I will.

There have been several responses to the Three Wise Men piece, as well as to the one which followed. Again: Thank You!! For your time; not only to read whatever gets plastered out here, but to actually take the time and send a note to either of the e-mail addresses (The English lang. one or the Spanish Lang. one) The Spanish post is actually very different in nature to the English one. I don’t really know why; but it has taken a totally irreverent tone and approach. Its fun and I do enjoy writing it, as I do this one. So far there are some 11 posts and, for now, there is one added every 2-3 days.

A very dear friend is having some heart related work tomorrow… I pray for her and for her life to continue to be full of interest and joy. As we all get on to the latter years of our lives (no, I am not being either wistful or depressive) there are so many things that take on an urgency feeling… issues which are not quite resolved and should be; people with whom we may have lost contact and shouldn’t have; work to be done, and not necessarily that which we have done for many years; dreams to pursue… Yes, dreams. Everything in life begins with a dream; sometimes it may turn into a nightmare, but those that do come through will make up for every one that failed.

Point is: Never give up on your dreams and hopes. I have seen so many people who make me think “How old they are!!” to then come and find out they are actually younger in years than I am but much, much older and defeated in attitude. This, friends, will cause our demise faster than any illness that may come our way. These last we can defeat or manage to manage and still have a good life while we fight the good fight. A bad mental attitude is an unseen, unfeeling, devouring monster which eats away our will to live. And this, very often, will cause or demise much faster than any physical illness. Don’t allow this enemy into your mind and heart.

I have come to understand that life is indeed what we make of it… it has nothing to do with money, or with having the latest whatever, or with shining above everyone else. It has to do with attitude, with inner peace, with belief and faith… in yourself and in a guiding and caring Spiritual Being… It has to do with achieving the understanding that we are each unique, each special and each with a gift to share… if we choose to do so. 

What would your gift to share be? Who would benefit by this sharing of yourself?

Guess what…? The person who will most benefit is the giver of the gift, not the receiver... Indeed!!

Be Well … Be Back!!!

Final Notes:
  • Pray for those who are fighting an illness which may take them away from their loved ones… Every request is heard, and counts!!
  • Follow us on Twitter … @RJAsPandora
  • Any comments please send to otherboxp@yahoo.com
  • Remember:  We are “On Air” every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST (GT –5hrs).  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theotherbox If the link does not work, please just copy and paste to your address bar.
  • “La Otra Caja de Pandora”… The Spanish language Blog… “otracaja.blogspot.com”Bienvenidos!!!

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, hate (verb) / hatred (noun) mean: 1.       To feel ( to hate ) intense or passionate dislike ( hatred ...